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LH:„Stop grabbing so many snacks you sly kitten!" 🪷

LH:„Stop grabbing so many snacks you sly kitten!" 🪷

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„W-we didn't spend much t-time together lately." I nodded. We got out of the bus and walked along the Han River to get some fresh air before we start getting the food for our dorm. „A-and I know yo-you rather talk to others s-so for that sorry.."

I simply took a hold of his hand and put it with mine into my pockets. The warmth embraced our boths bodies. I didn't expected him saying that, I knew we weren't the closest but he's still Sunoo? Of course I like him.

„H-huh" he looked up and down. „Don't be ridiculous. If I rather talk with others then I wouldn't be here. Last time when Jay tried pulling me with him to go to school, he got a punch in his nuts. You should feel proud that you are Kim Sunoo-sii."

Silent surrounded both of us before he let out some heavenly giggles. „You are right." - I flicked his forehead and bend down to reach his level. "Grow up kid and then we can spend more time together." I jokingly said before a punch hit me, coming from the direction of my fellow fox look-alike member. "I will be an adult soon!" I snickered knowing he's graving to be called an adult finally.

„You tease me on purpose!" I mocked him saying the exact same thing, receiving another light hit. Sometimes whenever Sun is mad at Niki, his punches hurt so much more than getting kicked by Jungwon and that must meant ALOT.

„We never talked about how you starred at Sungho-."

„Hyung! See a clown in a tend!" Sunoo apparently started running up the many many stairs.I would say that it would kill me to run after him because he's a maniac and that I will regret it but I decided my future self to deal with the past Heeseung and his complaining.

I dashed behind him about after completing all 70 steps. Maybe I should just stay away from the Gym, Jay would laugh out loud seeing my sloppy body. If he could see me how I try to catch my breath, he would call an ambulance for sure- Now to that Idiot.

He acts like a child, my nerves already got on their limits with Ddeonu-dose for today.

Sunoo never gives a frick when people talk about him. He's himself's and thats why alot of people including me envy him.

I don't like to act cute and I like being the center but I think because of me, some people might think our group is imitating somehow. Not sure but trying out cute and refreshing concepts aren't too bad, I just don't want to show it that freely...

„Sunoo-yah, don't run off like that again." I was ready to start my speech as always but Sunoo didn't seemed to listen at all. All he did was starring at the big, bright ballon in different pastel shades.

I was limping over to stand next to him, my leg was sore already and we didn't even grabbed the groceries- . „You want some?" - „No..that's for little kid's.."

It clearly wasn't what he tried to tell me at all. He was a kid..we all are kinda still kids so we can buy whatever we would like to do. Having a Balloon isn't childish in my eyes, they looked pretty. Still, it was too late because Sunoo was already going downstairs again. I looked at the clown who gave me a sympathetic smile before turning around, making children laugh and cry.

I once again rushed behind my dear member and he took out the grocerie list. „Look, when you changed in your room, I used the time to draw on it." The shopping list didn't looked like a shopping list anymore. It looked disgustingly cute but I won't complain since he did it.

Stickers and these drawings made me lose myself in the list. It was way to colorful but that's the definition of Kim Sunoo.

"You get the meat while I get the other things." - "Wha- Why?" I asked while crossing my arms. We stood infront of the store.

He didn't answered and just went inside.


I used my card to pay for everything and Sunoo was putting the food and drinks into the bags we bought just now. In total, Sunoo held 4 bags while I only held 2. I told him to give me some but he denied.

"I call a taxicab, maybe the bus wouldn't be too great.." he said almost sounding embarrassed. He's over sensitive but I don't mind that, I actually never minded it in a bad way. I just dont know how to deal with him so I just gave him a smile?

A forced smile to make him smile too..
"I'm sad that we need to go back already.." he added before taking a few steps foward, taking the call for the taxi.

..He's weird. He makes me feel confused but at the same moment safe. When I'm around the other members..I feel like I need to act mature all the time. I feel like I can't be childish but when we went shopping...I was running around with Sunoo jokingly.

I blame him for making me feel different around his bubble.


Once we put everything inside the car, I went to the driver. "Could you wait for a moment Sir? I would pay extra." I asked but he shook his head. "No Youngblood, no need to pay. I can wait." he looked like a man in his late 50's but he was very polite unlike some others in his age.

"Sunoo, I forgot my wallet at the store. Give me a few minutes." and there I was already running off with full speed. I got to the crossroad and ran up the stairs to get there in time.

"Back again without your friend?" I smiled, dying inside while trying to breath properly.

All Mine 🪷 | HeeSunWhere stories live. Discover now