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SJ:„Don't I look hot today?"
- PJ:„You alway's do bAbE."
*gets hit*🪷

" *gets hit*🪷

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"I sit here big one." the man snarled towards Niki and Jake raised his eyebrow while Jay pulled our Maknae behind him. - „Who are you then you small one?" Heeseung asked bitterly as he stepped fowards and reached out his hands towards me.

I looked at him for several seconds before Jungwon gave me a nodd. I was about to grab Heeseung's hand but then the manager who was with us from the day we debuted, spoke up.

"Boy's let's calm down. It's a seat and no one get's pushed around. Minju get back here and stop fighting around already, you aren't here to bring tension around."

Now I turned around and a bunch of boy's and girls got inside the meeting room from the other door. They bowed one after the other one before they took a seat on the other side of the table.

"Before we get confused, these are the new bunch of people you will train with for the performance in Studio Zoom. This here is Manager Kang Dream, he's responsible for them and will help us get a new fresh kind of performance." I stood up again to bow for all the trainees and my members hesitately followed.

"Hyung, no place is free on this side, can I now sit next to that boy?" - "Minju don't be rude. He is as old as you so behave already." Manager Kang turned towards me with pleading eyes.

"It's o-okay? Take a seat." I offered Minju and now he had a smile in his face, thanking me loudly. He walked past my members and I could see him bumping into Niki and Sunghoon at once. He brushed off his shoulder as if my members were dirty and dusty before taking his seat.

"Sit down, need an invitation or what my boys?" To ease the atmosphere, we all told each other our names before we went trough the routine. We will change outfits after we reached half of the performance for Blessed-Cursed.

Minju once in a while let out a chuckle but he wasn't too focused on what we talked about. He was starring weirdly at my members with a cold gaze but when he looked at me, he gave me his eye-smile. - weird.

After hours of planning and talking about all kind of concepts, we got a break and the Managers left to get some coffee.

"Sunoo Oppa." I looked over to the girl who sat opposite me. "Can you help me out with choosing something? I think you would choose something good unlike that one there." she pointed at Jungwon playfully who laughed.

She pushed her phone towards me and showed me several tattoo pictures. "I wanted to get one with my girlfriend but I can't chooooossee." I was glad that she was already so calm around us. Most of the trainees looked at their lap or starred at their sheets.

Her name was Dae, very outgoing. She was in Jungwons age and they kept talking while we had the meeting. I think they already are friends by now. "Oh I think that looks great. For your girlfriend you said?" I asked her and pointed at the photo.

 For your girlfriend you said?" I asked her and pointed at the photo

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"Wahh you both choose the same one. How lame you guy's are...JAYYYYY OPPA! CHOOSE ONEEE!" Jay was snickering in the corner by himselfs when Dae joked around like that.

"What's wrong Hwan? You are so quiet?" she called out the boy who sat at the corner, opposite of Niki who was looking at his phone. "S-stop." he blushed and looked towards Dae.

I smiled. They were really nice but shy. "So, Kyu?" the boy with glasses looked up and gave Jake a nodd. "You will be my partner at the dance break alright?"

Now Sunghoon and Jake started arguing about it. It wasn't fair that Jake was allowed to choose whoever he wants! I pouted and looked over to Heeseung who constantly checked on me.

"Mun-Hee is definitely Riki biased!" The girl with short hair hit Dae who now went way too talk active, calling her members out. "What about uri Minju?"

The attention was now on the boy next to me who looked directly coldly at Dae. "Dae stop, you know that they get nervous if you act all bubbly. Mun-Hee just say whatever you want. Its not like these stupid seniors can do anything against it and Hwan, stop acting all shy because you definitely are not." he hissed before leaning back in his seat.

"Stupid Seniors? Ya-" I shushed Jay who was ready to attack Minju. "That wasn't nice. I hope you are aware of that. I think we should forget the situation back there because it simply was a misunderstanding. I don't like that if you talk with my members so disrespectful."

The room went quiet and Minju stood up. He bowed towards my members shortly but when he turned to me, he gave a 90 degrees bow and apologised loud enough for everyone to hear it.

God...that will be a long ass ride if they don't understand each other...

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