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YJ:„I bet that they get together in the next few day's." - NR: „No way, it will take forever, I bet
100 000Won." 🪷


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I knocked at the bathroom door. Soobin wrote me and had told me,he has only mine and Heeseungs number on his new phone and that I should tell Heeseung him to come over tomorrow for the massage since his shoulder hurts again..

I didn't knew about the shoulder pain he had, at least not that he had them again. „Come in, I have my underwear on." His voice sounded so deep and painful.

He sat in the bathtub, water running down his spine. „It's me, Sunoo." He took a look trough the standing mirror. „I thought you guy's have Dinner."

„I left earlier. What's up with your shoulder? It looks very stiff." I hurried to the living room to find a chair. I can give him a massage..not as good as Jay Hyung or surely Soobin Hyung but I can try it!

As I couldn't find one, I decided to sit at the corner of the bathtub and just let my feet touch any water that came down. Heeseung was surprised but just groaned after I put my hand on his shoulder.

It sounded like a relived groan so I moved and squeezed the shoulder and neck parts as if there's no tomorrow. „Where are we hea..heading." he asked. Is continued to massage him under the hot water.

„What?" - „The..date. You asked me for a d-date." he sounded so shy just now. I'm not used to shy Heeseung but hell yea I could get used to it for a few times.

I pressed the spot where it looked like a bulge and he yelped loudly, leaning backwards right in between my legs. He rested his head on my chest and panted harshly. „I should get you something to ease the pain." I said and carefully brushed over the spot that hurted him alot.

He looked after me as he said "Be careful before you slip Sunoo.." only that made me blush again.

I used the towel to dry my wet foots to not leave any footsteps behind before I took out a bunch of ice cubes from the refrigerator. I wrapped around the ice cubs it a tissue so it's not TOO cold for Heeseung shoulder and head back to my original position.

I changed the water going from hot to warm and pulled Heeseung's chest to me.

„Is that better." - „God Sunoo I thought I would die before you came." he sended me shivers down my whole body with that voice. He breathed in and out heavily but I didn't minded it at all, I just felt bad knowing he was alone here the whole time in pain.

"Hyung you can tell us stuff if you don't feel okay..right?" He stayed quiet.

That's just such a Heeseung-thing. He always acts so old and mature, never had fun at practice or tells us things about privat things going on in his life..

I felt us suddenly going quiet so I decided answering him question. Hopefully he's happy with it..

„Music center." I answered his question a bit slowly. „I would like to buy a few new albums and listen together CD's with you. I know you wanted to go there because... „ Heeseung raised his eyebrows.

I started turning around to not look into his eyes anymore. „I-i asked yo-..Just tell me do you want to go?
You can take pictures there and it would be a good memory."

Heeseung didnt said anything so I wasn't sure he would agree. „I'm not sure if you would like to share this important memory with me at that special place.."

„I would love to Sunoo-yah. I wouldn't want to go with anyone else there more then I would want with you." - „Can you only flirt?"

„Only when I'm in a good mood. Happens whenever you are around me." I giggled and evily pressed the shoulder spot again. He jumped up and groaned once again. „Get dressed after you shower properly."

„You can join m-" I threw the towel at his voice before I yeeted myself out of the bathroom, closing the door.

Even tho I closed it, I knocked again. „Yeah?" - „I asked your brother yesterday if you like to go on whatever place so I can take..you out." I said shyly, leaving the knowing flustered older Hyung behind.

At the perfect timing, the others just came home.

They looked up and down, then at each other, then back to me and the door. Seeing me holding Hyung's shirt I took with me to throw it to the washing machine must have looked weird.. to add my red face, gawd!

„You wear wet clothes.." Niki pointed out. This rascal-

„Ah really!? How about you show us your Winnie the poh underwear you wear right now!" Niki's jaw hung out.

„That wasnt nice." Jungwon said and I couldn't hold myself back. If I don't stay strong, they will ask too many questions. „You don't need to talk, I saw you coming out of Jay's and Jake's room the other day...at night!" Jungwon gasped and burried his head into Jay's backpack.

Jake was about to open his mouth but Sunghoon, faster then the flash, clapped his hand over his mouth.

The both of them moved slowly into the computer room, holding eye contact with me. Jackpot.

Everyone hurried away out of embarrassment and I was free from all questions. I could kiss myself including my attitude for whatever happened there. That's how nobody ever question whatever happened behind this door ever again~

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