Chapter 3

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Y/n Pov

"Bippity boppity your crystal is my property."

I cheerfully say as I slice neck of a kobold making it poof into a crystal.

Picking up the crystal I toss it up and it lands in the bag on my waist.

"Thats uh.....94 now?"

Bell then rounds the corner and sees me and waves.

Bell:"Hey Y/n!"

"Hey Almiraj."

Bell:"S-So what are you doing in the dungeon?"

He ask slightly thrown off by the nickname.

"Getting crystal, cant just steal my food sadly. Well I could Ryuu and Mama would be mad though."

Bell:"Well thats good, I think. What familia are you a part of?"

"The Astraea familia."

Bell:"I dont think I have heard of the familia."

"Eh makes since, we were wiped out a few years ago. Only four memebers remaining including Mama."

Bell:"Oh... Im sorry."

I look at him confused.

"For what?"

Bell:"I made you remember bad memories."

"Do I look affected by them?"

I say as I smile cheerfully and put my hands on my hips proudly.

He eventually smiles back.

Bell:"I guess you dont."

We both start to walk out of the dungeon.

Bell:"Im going to the Hostess of Fertility tonight, do you want to join?"

"Sure, was going to go there anyways."



Right now Bell is freaking out over the cost of the food Mama Mia gave him while I happily eat the food she gave me. I gave her all the money I got from the crystals and she gave me the food and said I could have a room here.

"I'm happy."

Bell:"And im going to be broke."

He sads as he picks up a forkfull of noodles and slurps them up.

Mia:"Cheer up kid, you need some meat on those bones if your going to be an adventurer."

"She's not wrong."

Bell:"Thats coming from you."

Mama Mia leaves to go deal with some other customers leaving Bell and I to talk about random things which Syr joins in on and talks about why she likes working at the Hostess.

Anya coming in the Hostess announcing that the party with the reservation has arrived, which was the Loki familia.

As the Loki familia were sitting down I noticed Bell staring at one of them in particular.

"Why are you staring at the Sword Princess like that?"

Bell:"N-No reason."

He says with a red tint on his face.

Syr:"The members of the Loki familia are some of our best customers, their patron goddess Loki really likes coming here, like alot."

While I go back to eating my food I notice the silver haired wolf guy I recoginse as Vanargand or Fenris talking to Ais.

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