Chapter 6

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I try to get up but find a pair of arms wrapped around me keeping me down. Looking to the owner of them I see Nine Hell and the events of yesterday come back to me.

"Elf Mommy."

I shake Riveria to try to wake her up. Eventually she does and looks down at me.


"Mommy I'm hungry."

Riveria looks at me for a second before smiling and nodding. Getting up and picking me up aswell.

Riveria:"Lets go get something to eat then."

I give her a bright smile as she carries me to the cafeteria in the Twilight Manor and gets us both breakfast. While eating Ais sits down beside me.

"Hi big sis!"

Ais:"Hello. How are you?"

"I'm good, Elf Mommy got me food."

Ais looks at Riveria who is eating beside me then returns to eating her food. More and more members of the Loki familia join us. Their talking amongst themselves and I look at Loki specifically her chest.

"Definetly cant be a Mama."

Bete who heard me looked at where I was looking and burst out laughing.

Bete:"HAHAHAHA! You're right about that little bit!"

Loki looks at us confused while Riveria who also knew what I was talking about just shook her head.

Ais:"She doesnt have a mothers chest I suppose."

Loki finally understood what we were talking about and started to pull my cheeks while yelling at me.

Loki:"Where do you get off calling me flat chested! You shrimp!"

I manage to escape and hide behind Riveria and we glare at each other with Riveria seperating us.

Riveria:"You two calm down."

Loki:"That twerp insulted me!"

I just stick my tounge out at her while peaking my head out from behind Riveria further annoying Loki.

Riveria:"Y/n stop messing with Loki. Loki stop messing with Y/n."

Riveria said in a motherly tone and I immediately listen and Loki stares at me for a second before reluctantly listening.

Finn:"I feel like this will be a good time to inform everyone Y/n will be joining us on our expedition."

Bete:"Are you sure he can hold his own?"

Ais:"He easily delt with a minotar so theirs that much."

Gareth:"Why don't one of us take him into the dungeon today and we can see how he performs."

Ais:"I can."

"Yay I get to go into the dungeon with big sis!"

Finn:"Well that settles it. Ais will tell us how Y/n performs in the dungeon."

Bete:"Fine, whatever."


Timeskip brought to you by Santa Lily

"Rose! Rose!"

Rose turns to see me skipping towards her with Ais following me.

Rose:"Y/n, its good to see you. You to Ais."


"Big sis and I are going into the dungeon."

Rose:"Big sis?"

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