Chapter 11

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Standing by Elf Mommy's side I look at Finn who's standing infront of the other members of the expedition.

Finn:"Everyone we are going to desend to the lower floors, just as before we will split into two groups to avoid crowding, group 1 will go with me, and group 2 will go with Gareth. The Hephistus familia smiths will be joining us as well, the paln is to meet on floor 18 and carry onto floor 50. We have only one objective, to be the first party to ever reach floor 59."

"Wait floor 59? So much walking."

I complain while pouting and I feel someone pat my head and look up to see Elf Mommy.

Riveria:"Y/n it'll be fine, if your legs get tired you can just jump onto Gareth's shoulders."

I nod and smile.

Riveria POV

As we walk into the dungeon I cant help but rememebr the conversation I had with Ryuu.


Ryuu:"Two things you should know about Y/n. One when he refers to himself as we do your best to calm him down, and two dont let him get badly injured when talking like that."

"I see, but is there a reason for this?"

Ryuu:"You know of Y/n's skill 'Mental Pollution' right?"

"I remember hearing about it yes."

Ryuu:"Well it causes his mental stability to suffer, and when he referes to  himself as we his mind gets as unstable as it can be, and for anyone he doesn't refer to as Mama, Mommy or Big Sis it is extrememly dangerous to be around him at the time."

"Will he hurt them?"

Ryuu:"If they make him angry he will. Astraea guesses he suffer from a multiple personality disorder of sorts."

"I see, thank you for this information."

Ryuu:"Its nothing, also he will do his best to protect you or Ais."

I nod and thank her again before leaving the Hostess of Fertility and going back to the Twilight manor.

Flashback Over

Y/n:"Elf Mommy."

I hear Y/n call out and I look down at him and see him pointing to something.

Y/n:"Thiers some injured adventurers over there."

Finn and I look to where he's pointing and do infact see two adventures wounded leaning against the dungeon wall.

Going over to them I start to tend to their injuries.


"What made you all bloody?"

Adventurer1:"A minotaur."

"Silly theres no minotaurs this high up."

Adventurer2:"There was, and it was chasing after this white haired kid."

"Kinda sounds like rabbit... was their a small girl with a large backpack with him?"

Adventurer2:"Yeah I think so."

"So that would mean Lili is in danger...."

My eyes widen and I bolt off with Big sis Ais eventually I find Lili and Big sis Ais goes to find Rabbit.


Lili:"Y/n... please... help...."

"We will, gotta get to Mommy."

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