Chapter 12

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'She purs?'

The thought comes across my head as I rub Lili's ears as she purs in her sleep snuggled against me.

I smile as I feel her purs slightly vibrate my chest.

'This kinda tickles.'

I giggle a little before noticing she's waking up. With my hands on her ears she looks up with a adorable sleepy face.



Smiling down at her I see the sleepiness slowly leave her face as one of suprise takes over.



I boop her nose and she shoots up in a sitting position ontop of me and puts her hands on her ears.

Lili:"You were rubbing my ears!"

"Their soft, and your purs are cute."


"Your the one stradling me."

I say and she realizes she is infact stradling my waist and turns red. I sit up and our noses touch.

"Lili, remember last night."

Lili:"Huh?... Oh yeah."

She say as the fluster leaves her face and she remembers last night.

Lili:"So we're-"

I cut her off by kissing her which suprises her, but she melts into it. After a minute we seperate.

"Love you Lili."

She smiles with what seems to be tears in the corner of her eyes which cause me to panic.

"H-Hey! Dont cry!"

Lili:"I'm just so happy! I love you too Y/n."


Timeskip brought to you by Ryuu butt... wait that story is still in the works... Lili butt

"Come on Mama will love you."

I say dragging Lili into the room where Mama is.

Astraea:"Love who?"


I say as I push her infront of me.

"She's my girlfriend now."

Astraea:"Is she now?"

Lili:"Y-Yeah, its nice to meet you Astraea."

Mama is quiet for a moment as she stares a Lili making both her and me nervous before a bright smile comes to her face and she picks Lili up hugging her.

Astraea:"You're right! I do love her!"

She says squeezing Lili face into her breath and Lili starts to struggle to breath.

"Mama your smothering her!"

Mama quickly lets her go and Lili starts catching her breath.

Astraea:"So when did this happen?"

"Last night."

Astraea:"Is that were you where? With Lili? Ryuu was really worried when you didn't show up to the Hostess."

"Big sis is worried?!"

Astraea:"Yeah, but she should be here in a few minutes so you can calm down."

Calming down I sit on the couch next oppisite of Mama and Lili sits next to me.


Astraea:"Just call me Mama like Y/n."

Lili:"Mama do you have any embarassing stories about Y/n?"

I look at Lili suprise as a grin appears on Mama's face.

"N-No she doesn't!"

Astraea:"Yes I do. Ryuu does as well."

Lili:"Ooo tell me!"

I start grumbling and cross my arms sinking back in the couch.

Astraea:"Alise and the others once put him in a dress, it was quite the cute sight he actually looked good in it."

Lili:"Really? How'd they do that?"

Astraea:"It wasn't easy, Neze actually got a cut on her arm in the process."

"I didn't want to wear it."

Astraea:"You liked it when they managed to get it on you, but threw it off as soon as they said you looked adorable."

Lili:"Wait how old was he?"

Astraea:"About 8 at the time, funny thing is I originally thought he was a girl when I found him."

Lili:"When did you find him?"

Ryuu:"When he was three, he was trying to steal from Alise."

"I was hungry, and you hurt my hand!"

Ryuu:"Alise bought you something to eat right after."

She says sitting next to Mama.

Ryuu:"But if your looking for something to embarass him I do have something."

She says thinking of a particular moment.

Lili:"Yeah, tell me."

"Please no."

Ryuu:"One time he was chasing a cat across roof tops and fell through one, right into the females baths."

Astraea:*giggles* "Oh I remember that, he looked like a cherry seeing all of us."

The three of them look over to me and I feel my cheeks burn from embarassment.

Astraea:"Kinda like now."

I feel someone grab my hands and pull them from my face and see Lili.

Ryuu:"This was right after we explained the birds and the bees to him."

"I just wanted to catch the kitty."

Lili:"You like cats dont you?"


Ryuu:"He also likes Naza."

"Her ears are so soft, and tail is so fluffy! Can I go visit her?"

Ryuu:"No, she's busy."


I look at Lili and she looks at me curious.


"Can I pet your ears?"

She blushes but nods and summons them and I happily pet them, while she blushes and I see her tail wagging.

Ryuu:"Oh so its magic."

"Uhuh, told you she was a pallum."

Lili:"C-C-Can y-you st-stop?"

She squeaks out and I do so, but tackle her in a hug and am now laying ontop of her on the couch.

Astraea:"Well aren't you two adorable?"

Ryuu:"Y/n if you want breakfast feel free to come to the Hostess, May had something for you to try."

I nod as I snuggle up to Lili and I hear a giggle from Mama.

Chapter End

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