Chapter 15

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"Your swords like a big kitchen knife!" I say looking at Welf's sword on his back.

Welf:"I suppose thats what it resembles."

"My knifes are better though." I tell him as I skip beside Lili. "What are ya doing?"

Lili:"Making sure my weapon works well."

"Oh yeah, you have a arm crossbow thingy right?"

Lili:"Yeah. Sciurus Walnut is what I call it."

Bell:"Do your daggers have a name Y/n?"

"Nope! But they still slice and dice just fine, hehehe."


I start to skip ahead leaving the three. At some point I am surrounded by orc's and look at them confused.

"Do you need something from us?" I ask them but one of the swings a club at me.

I dodge and hop ontop of the club and draw my knifes.

"Such a meanie." I pout as I jump onto its head and drive a dagger in it.

I hop to the third one and slice the second ones neck on the way nearly decapitating it. Getting to the third I slice the back of its neck deep and it falls to the ground.

The fourth stares at me and I giggle at it as it takes a step back. Rushing it I slice its ankles and it falls, I then slice its back up before completely decapitating it.

Putting the daggers away I hear Bell scream Lili's name and my head immediately bolts in the direction and I see a infant dragon approaching Lili.

Bell POV

As I'm about to shoot the dragon with before I could I a blur travel down the dragons neck and through its legs.

The blur stops infront of it and is revealed to be Y/n with his daggers out and one in a reverse grip.

The infant dragon takes one step its neck and head and neck seperate from each other and its neck falls from its body next its legs fall off. The infant dragon then disapepars into a crystal dismembered.


Y/n turns to Lili.

Y/n:"Are you okay?"

He ask worried inspecting Lili's arms and body.



I let go of Lili's arm and look at her face for a second before smiling.

"Well you really are okay!"

Bell:"I think that enough for today."




"Its been awfully misty these nights lately." I say looking outside the window of the Hostess.

Ryuu:"Did you not do that the last two nights?"

"Nope, but this mist isn't like mine. Its normal."

Ryuu:"Thats good to know."

Big sis goes back to working.

Chloe:"Wait so you can make it a misty night?"

"Yeah. Magic called The Mist." I tell her and she nods. "Its a good magic for us. Been really useful."

Ryuu:"Whens the last time you've visited Astraea Y/n?"

I gasp as my eyes widen. "Thats what we were gonna do! See ya big sis!" I say as I run out the Hostess.

"Mama!" I say excitedly as I jump at Mama and hug her and she catches me.

Astraea:"How my little ripper?"

"We and I are good!" I tell her and she pats me head.

Astraea:"Do you want another status update?"


Astraea:"Of course sweetie!"

Strength - C 789
Endurance - C 750
Dexterity - B 860
Agility - A 998
Magic - C 740

Presence Concealment - S
Mental Pollution - C+
Information Erasure - A
Surgical Procedure - C
Murder on a Misty Night - A+

Maria the Ripper - Hell is starting. We are flames, rain, power... Let there be a slaugher... Maria the Ripper!
The Mist - No chant

Astraea:"Well  your stats did go up but your skills are where the real boost went."

"Yay!" I hug Mama again and she hugs me back.

Astraea:"So how are you and Lili?"

"We're good. A infant dragon almost hurt her today but I... we sliced it up before it could!" We say happily to Mama.

Astraea POV

We? Oh Y/n...

I look down at Y/n who is staring at me with his eyes closed and a smile on his face. When he opens his eyes he looks at me like somethings wrong, I must have let my worry show.

Y/n:"Mama whats wrong?"

"Y/n you do know that..." I start but bite my lip.

'How do I put this?' I think as Y/n's.. no their confusion deepens.

"You know Mama cares about you right?" I ask them and they nod.

Y/n:"We know that, and we love Mama!"

"So you know Mama would never hurt you, right?"


"So Y/n you do know Lili and Veli are different people, right?" I ask them and they freeze.

Y/n:"O-Of c-c-course we kn-know that Mama."

"Y/n... sweetie.. Veli's gone. I know it hurts, but you have to accept that. All of you." I tell him as I put an arm on his shoulder and tears start to fall from his yellowish green eyes and I pull him into a hug. "Let it all out."

Y/n starts to sob as I feel my top starting to get soaked but that doesn't matter. My baby boy needs to finally get over her. Y/n eventually stops and I notice he fell asleep.

"Sweet dreams my baby boy." I say as I pick him up and lay him in a bed and kiss his head after tucking him in.

As I walk out the room I notice Ryuu there.

"Good to see you Ryuu." I tell her and she nods.

Ryuu:"How is he?"

"He's... relatively fine right now, but he might need his big sis to help keep nightmares away." I tell her and she gets a small smile.

Ryuu:"I see."

She walks past me and into the room and I can't help but have a smile.

"I really do love my children." I walk into my own room and pick up a picture of younger Y/n but he didn't look all that different just without the scar on his eye.

Though in the picture with Y/n as a girl the same age with long brown hair and brown eyes, along with two feathers in her hair. This girl was Veli.

I may have not known the type of relationship the two had I know it was there before they got in my familia and was a deep one.

When Y/n lost her he went beserk... its how his cleavers got ruined actually. I sigh as I put the picture down on the desk.

"Veli he really misses you... hope you can help Ryuu and I look out for him from up there."


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