Chapter 8

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"Am we a bad person Mama?"

I say looking up at Astraea who had me enveloped in a warm hug and looked down at me with a kind smile on her face.

Astraea:"No. You aren't a bad person, just a good person who has had bad thing happen to them."

"But we killed that man."

Astraea:"What he was trying to do was wrong, you protected that little girl, you did good Y/n."

With building tears in my eyes I bury my face into Mama's shoulder as she gently pats my back.

Astraea:"There there, let it all out, Mama is here for you."

Astraea POV

Y/n started crying into my shoulder, and eventually he fell asleep.

'No matter his age, he'll always be my little boy.'

Hearing the door open I turn my head to see both Ryuu and Rose, I put my finger over my mouth and point to he sleeping Y/n. Ryuu goes to speak but I put my hand up silencing her.

"You know you aren't suppose to bring her up Ryuu."

Rose looks at Ryuu shocked.

Rose:"You didn't, did you?"

Ryuu:"I was trying to stop him from killing four adventurers."

"Good intention, but we both know it could cause his mind to go unstable and you know what happens then."

Ryuu:"I know I'm sorry, and i'll apologize to him when he wakes."

"Good that should fix it. Now Rose what did you come for?"

Rose:"Wanted to check if Y/n really did kill that guy, and it seems so."

"I'll do my best to make sure it doesn't happen again."

Ryuu:"I will aswell."

Rose:"Thank you, the Guild rather not announce the Ripper is in Orario. Despite only going after evilus members or corrupted people the normal civilians still fear him."

Y/n starts to stir and slowly lifts his head up.

"Good morning Y/n."

Y/n:"Mama who are you talking too?"

Y/n turns to see Rose then Ryuu, and when he see Ryuu he hides behind Astraea.

"Y/n Ryuu has something to say to you."

Y/n:"We are still upset at her."

Ryuu gets up and kneels infront of Y/n getting to his eye level.

Ryuu:"Y/n I'm sorry for bringing Veli up, I know it was wrong and you dont like being reminded of her. Please accept my apology."

Y/n stares at Ryuu for a moment before slowly going up to her and opening his arms. Ryuu gives a small smile before giving him a hug.

Y/n:"We forgive you big sis!"

Ryuu:"Does Y/n?"

Y/n:"Of course I do!"

Y/n says with a big smile. Rose and I smile at the two.

"You could never stay upset or mad at Ryuu despite how hard you tried.

Y/n:"Of course I can!"

Ryuu:"You've never lasted longer than a two days."

Y/n:"You bribed me."

"Alise gave her the idea, and you happily accepted the teddy bear."

Y/n pouts and looks away and goes to sit by Rose.

Ryuu:"By the way the girl you brought to the Hostess yesterday wanted to thank you for saving her. She's with Cranel right now."

Y/n:"Okay, see you later Mama, Big sis, Wolf Mommy."

Y/n skips out of the room and Rose sighs.

Rose:"I had hoped he wouldn't start calling me that again."

Ryuu:"Mia Grand is Dwarf Mommy, Riveria is Elf Mommy, theirs also Trap Mommy and Cat Mommy, though I know niether of their identities."


I shout angrily, Ryuu looks at me with a stoic face and Rose is startled.

Ryuu:"You will be his only Mama. He said so himself."

"He's growing too fast!"

I hug Ryuu and cry into her shoulder as she sighs.


Timeskip brought to you by Ice Milf
(Guess who Ice Milf is)




I happily tackle Bell making Hestia and Lili turn to us.



Bell stands up and is immediatly tackled by Hestia who is worrying about him. I turn to Lili.



We stare at each other for a moment.

Lili:"Thank you for saving me yesterday."

"Happy to help. Some as cute as you.... I mean.... uhh..."

Both our faces are going red as we start to look everywhere but the others face. One thing came to my mind, why did she make my heart beat faster, I would have to ask Mama why.

Chapter End
(Yeah I know its short, but deal with it.)

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