Chapter 5

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Y/n Pov

Ais:"So have you given any thought on joining the Loki familia?"

I tilt my head in though as I walk beside her.

"Nope. Have you been able to talk to the rabbit?"

Ais:"No. Do you know him?"

"His name is Bell Cranel, part of the Hestia familia."


"Think I heard Eina talk about him when I was talking with Rose so try asking her."

Ais:"Thank you for this information."

"Do you have anything to eat?"

Ais:"I can get you some."

"Please big sis Ais."

I gave her puppy eyes and it worked as Ais grabbed my hand and led me to a stall nearby selling sweets and bought me one.

We sit down on a bench and I swing my legs as I happily eat the sweet.

I look up to Ais who was staring at me with the same expression. Without saying anything she pats my head and I smile at her and then go back to my sweets while humming happily. I tear it in half and give one to her and she looks at it for a minute before eating it and a small smile coming to her face.


Timeskip Brought to you by Mama Tiamat

"Mama, Loki asked me to join her familia."

Astraea:"Do you want to?"

"Loki doesn't seem like a good mama though."

Astraea:"True. How about Nine Hell?"

"Oh yeah she was nice, and their is big sis Ais."

Astraea:"The Sword Princess?"

"Uhuh, she's real nice even bought me sweets today."

Astraea:"That was kind of her."

"I did as big sis Gojouno told me to, give her a cute face and ask for what I want."

Astraea sighs and shakes her head.

Astraea:"Of course she would teach you about that tactic."

I giggle as I swing my feet infront of me.

"Nine Hell..."

Astraea looks up at me interested.

Astraea:"What about her?"

"The Twilight Manor is the home of the Loki familia right?"

Astraea:"Yes, you aren't going to sneak in there are you?"

"I just wanna talk to Nine Hell."

Astraea:"*sigh* Just try the front entrance first."

She says knowing I would find a way in no matter what.

"Okay Mama."


Timeskip Mini

Happily skipping my way to door of the Twilight Manor while humming a song. The guards at the gate just let me pass, and for some reason they looked slightly scared for some reason.

As I knock on the door it swings open and Braver is seen on the other side.

"Hi Braver is Nine Hell here?"

Finn:"Why yes she is, what buisness do you have with her?"

I stop and think for a moment.

"What was my reason? mmmmm"

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