Chapter 9

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"Your ears are cute."

Lili:"I'm suprised you're only seeing them now."

"Illusions dont really work on me, only if i let them, but I perfer your original appearance. Alot cuter."

Lili blushes and wiggles a bit, and I find it even cuter.

Bell tries to touch her ears but I pull Lili away.

"Bad rabbit!"

As I'm glaring at Bell I dont notice Lili blushing at me hugging her.

Bell:"By the way, why didn't you notice the ears before?"

"Mental Inteference doesn't work on me, illusions count as mental inteference, illusions of people of lower level wont have effect on me. God and Goddesses aren't included though."

I giggle as I let Lili go and start skipping away.

"I gotta go ask Wolf Mommy something, see you later!"

Bell:"I got to talk to Eina, i'll come with. See you later Lili."

Bell hurries to catch up to me and Lili is left red faced staring at my back.


Timeskip brought to you by Klee

Walking into the guild Bell and I hear someone call his name. Turning we see Eina and Big sis Ais.

"Big Sis!"

I skip my way over to her while pulling Bell with me, though it seems he's trying to run away.

"Hi aunt Eina!"

Eina:"Hi Y/n. Thanks for dragging Bell over here."

"Its alright! I gotta talk to Wolf Mommy now, see you later big sis!"

I push Bell in the seat beside Aunt Eina and make my way to Rose.

"Rose, I gotta question."

Rose turns to me as I sit on the desk.

Rose:"What is it Y/n?"

"Well... this... girl... sorta..."

Rose:"Makes you feel nervous? Make your heart beat faster?"

"The second one."

Rose:"Well, if I had to guess you have a crush on her."


I say with a red face, but Rose just stares at me.

Rose:"Y/n, you have a crush on this girl, face the fact."


Rose:"Does Ryuu and Astraea know?"

"Big sis knows. What do I do about Lili?"

Rose:"Just talk to her, maybe ask her out on a date at some point. But go tell Astraea she can help you more."

Nodding I jump off the desk and skip past Rabbit and Big Sis.

Tiny timeskip

Ryuu POV


Astraea:"But my little boy is finally interested in a girl!"

Staring at the door I question if I want to go in or not. Opening the door I see Y/n struggling in Astraea's grip.

Y/n:"Big sis!"

"Y/n, I see you told Astraea about your crush."

Y/n:"Mama's trying to suffocate me!"

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