Chapter 4

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Riveria Pov

I know Loki said that Y/n was the Ripper but is it really true?

The what looks to be kid is now has their full attention on a stuffed animal that Ryuu gave them, they seem to feel me looking at them and turn their head to me.

The what looks to be kid is now has their full attention on a stuffed animal that Ryuu gave them, they seem to feel me looking at them and turn their head to me

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'Is Y/n really the Ripper?'

Finn:"Riveria is something on your mind?"

"*sigh* Its just... is Y/n really the Ripper. I know Loki said so but...."

Finn:"He doesn't look like it?"

"Not in the slightest."

Loki:"Well despite the child like apperance, he is. He has knifes on his waist for crying out loud!"

Ais:"If I remember correctly he's a pallum and 16 from what I heard Ryuu say."

Ryuu who was walking by with a tray of mugs overheard our conversation.

Ryuu:"Y/n's apperance can be deceiving at first, looking like a innocent little girl, but I assure you Y/n is fully capable of being a serious threat."

Bete:"Looks like a weakling to me."

Ryuu walks away the bar with the tray of empty mugs without saying anything else.

Finn:"I'd be careful what you say Bete."

Bete:"As if I need to be scared of some little kid with some stupid stuffed-"

Whatever he was going to say was cut off by a scaple flying right by his head cutting the rope that was holding him up dropping him head first to the ground. Turning to the scource we see Y/n.

 Turning to the scource we see Y/n

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(ignore the cloak)

Y/n:"Be quiet Fenris."

He tone was completely different from the innocent child like one he used when talking earlier. Now his voice along with the look in his eyes were that of a seasoned killer, not to mention the bloodlust that was directed staright to Bete, though it sent us all on edge.

But as quickly as it appeared it dissappeared and Y/n went back to playing with the stuffed animal like nothing happened, leaving us all to question what just happened.

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