Chapter 7

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"Big sis?"


"What does a crush feel like?"

Ryuu:"Well you might feel shy or frivolous around this person or maybe both."

Ryuu then looks at me.

Ryuu:"Why, do you think you have a crush?"

"Don't know. Rabbit had got this new supporter, and she was... cute..."

Ryuu:"How do you feel around her?"

As Ryuu asked me the other members of the hostess decided to listen aswell.

"I get a weird feeling in my tummy."

Ryuu:"That would be you getting nervuos. What else?"

"Well I think about her... alot, for a girl I just met."

Ryuu:"Spend some more time with her, but it does sound like your starting to have a crush."

Suddenly Anya picks me up in a hug.

Anya:"Nyawww little y/n has nya crush meow~!"

My face goes red and I start to struggle out of the hug.

"N-No I dont!"

Syr:"Really? You've never stuttered before."


Mia:"Well kid be sure to treat her right."

I manage to get out of Anya's grip and I hide behind Ryuu while glaring at Anya who seems oblivious to it.

Ryuu:"I should tell Astraea."

My eyes widen and I look up at Ryuu and she looks down at me.

Ryuu:"You know how she'll be if you dont tell her."

"F-Fine... I will tell Mama."

And so I leave the Hostess and head to Babel, on the way I meet Ais who is going into the dungeon.

As we were nearing Babel we were a guild woman I recognised as Eina came up to us, well came up to Ais.

"Hi Eina!"

Eina:"Oh Y/n, Sword Princess, could you help one of my adventurers?"

"Sure is it rabbit?"


Nodding Ais and I race into the dungeon, on the way I spot a man I really didn't like and felt like dismembering so I let Ais go ahead and let her save Bell.

Watching the man I see the same supporter of Bells run up and he trips her, and rips her cloak off.

'I really want to rip him...'

I put my hands on my knifes as I get ready to charge at him when I feel more people approach and stop.

I see three people carrying bags with somehting squirming in them. Looking closer I see that they are killer ants.

They say something to the guy who was being mean to Lili and he runs off, but I make sure to remeber his face, the other three wind up throwing Lili to the killer ants that have gathered due to the injured ones they had got and run away. I make sure to remember their faces to and then run in and start to viciously slicing the ants.


I stand infront of her protectively as I glare at the ants and they seem to back away in fear, but they dont get far because Bell runs in and finishes the remaining 6.

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