Chapter 13.5

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I say as I spot a kitty ontop of the walls.

Jumping up on the walls we look at eachother for a second before it starts to run and I chase after it.

"Come back kitty!"

The kitty jumps from the wall onto the roof a building, and I wanting to catch it follow. Building after building I follow it.

Eventually it sits outside of a window of a big building and I lunge at it and catch it. Now happy I fall through the window and seem to interrupt whatever was going on inside.


"Hi Freya!"

Freya:"Why'd you come through the window?"

"I caught the kitty!"
I say holding the kitty up who meows.

Freya:"I see."

Demeter:"How long were you chasing her?"

"Uh... I started on the wall near the gate."
I say trying to rememeber and they're suprised.

Demeter:"But we're near the center of the city."

"Guess it was a long chase."

Freya:"Same as usual aren't you. By the way how's Astraea?"

"Mama is okay! By the way Freya I got a girlfriend!"

Standing up I sit beside Freya who smiles at me nicely.

Freya:"Thats nice Y/n."

Demeter:"Oh is it the girl who you were on a date with the other day?"

I nod happily and look to see Ottar.

"Hi Ottar!"


Freya:"Well Y/n why dont you run along now? I'm sure Ryuu would like to see the kitty you caught."

"Right! See you later Harvest Mommy, Freya!"

I get up and leave the building and head towards the Hostess with the cat on my head.

"Big Sis I caught a kitty!"

Ryuu:"That nice. How long did you have to chase this one?"

"...from the edge of the wall to the center city."

Ryuu:"Thats longer than usual."

The kitty hops off my head and onto the counter and Anya stares at it.

"Also I met Freya."

Ryuu:"She didn't try anything did she?"

"No, same as usual. Though she was talking to Harvest Mommy."

Mia:"Thats nice but can you get the cat?"
Dwarf mommy says pointing to the kitty and Anya who are locked in a staring contest.


I walk over to Anya and pick her up suprising her and everyone besides Ryuu.

"I got the cat!"

Mia:"I meant the one you brought in here."

"Silly Dwarf Mommy thats a kitty."
I giggle as I hold Anay above my head and the cat jumps on her stomach.

"Now I have both cat and kitty!"

Mia:*sigh* "Good for you kid."

Ryuu:"Put Anya down Y/n."



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