Chapter 18

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'He's in our way!' Multiple young female voices yells in our head as we glare at Goliath.

Ryuu:"Y/n come on!" 

We hear Big Sis yell and glance at her and see her waiting by the exit of the floor that goes down to the eighteenth floor.

Making a choice we run past Goliath and to Big Sis and we both jump down the shaft and slide into the eighteenth floor.

Looking around I notice Hestia hugging Bell. Welf is also here. Our eyes dart over every other person in the clearing and coming into it.

Big Sis puts a hand on our shoulder and we glance up at her and see her pointing in a direction and spot Lili.

Lili POV

Getting to the scream I see lady Hestia hugging Bell. As that happens I scan the rest of the people and notice the party that pass paraded us earlier.

But the last person I notice is Y/n. He's covered in blood and his cleavers are gripped tight in his hands. The most startling thing about him is his eyes are glowing slightly with an unstable glint in them.

Almost immedately he's infront of me checking me. After a moment he stops and his eyes seem to calm down a little. He hugs me tightly.

Y/n:"We're glad you're okay."

His voice sounded weird, and it seemed like multiple children, but I hug him back.

"Yeah I'm okay. Still alive and well." I tell him and he nods.

Seperating he puts his cleavers away. His eyes glance around at everyone wearily. Ryuu comes over to us.

Ryuu:"Y/n are you good now?"


He answers simply whlie his eyes scan everyone else, his hands never leaving the knives.

Ryuu:"She's safe now Y/n."

He glances at me for a moment before nodding and taking his hands off the knife.

Putting my hand on his arm gaining his attention.

"We should get you cleaned off." I tell him and he nods.

We walk off as everyone else deals with everything.


Timeskip brought to you by team SKRW (Summer, Kali, Raven, Willow)


Sitting in the camp next to Lili as Ryuu does a physical check on me.

"Big Sis, you aren't mad at us are you?" I ask and Ryuu looks at me.

Ryuu:"No, you were just concerned for one of your loved ones. Though do better to keep your temper in check."

I nod as she wraps bandages around my bicep since a rock a cut it at some point.

Lili:"Y/n what was with your voice? It was distorted and seemed like it was more than one voice."

Ryuu:"You know when Y/n get unstable he starts refering to himself as we, right?"


Ryuu:"... In a way that is correct."

Lili stares at Big Sis confused no understanding what she meant.

Lili:"What do you mean?"

Big Sis sighs and puts the bandages down. She rubs my head making me happy.

Ryuu:"When Y/n was first found he didn't have a name. Only refering to himself as we, at first we thought it was just because he didn't have a name."

Big Sis pauses as she looks at me.

Ryuu:"Y/n I have to bring her up, are you okay with that?"

"Sure, Lili deserves to know." I tell Big Sis and she nods.

Ryuu:"Veli, a girl who was the closest person Y/n had before we found him in the slums explained that Y/n seemed to be effected by the spirits of the dead children and babies."

Lili stares at Big Sis in shock while I sit there and hug Big Sis.

Ryuu:"Their spirits seemed to seep into him after their death. He still holds them, and when his mind gets unstable..."

Lili:"They take over."

Ryuu:"In a way, yes."

Lili stares at me suprised and I shyly look at her.

"You dont hate us now, do you?"

Lili:"Of course not!"

She says as she quickly hugs me. Happily accepting it I hug her back tightly.



Sitting on a tree bored without anything to do. I would be with Lili but she went with the others to take a bath in a lake. Big Sis was also washing off some other place then she would visit the grave.

Hearing a rustling I turn to see an Almiraj looking up at me and my eyes meet its. Sparkles form in my eyes as I hop down.

"Bunny!" I shout happily as it bolts off and I chase after it.

Jumping over roots and dodgeing branches as I run after the almiraj. Seeing my chance I leap at it in attempt to catch it, and I am successful as we both now are flying through the air into a clearing where voices are coming from and noises of water.

"Got you!" I say happily as the almiraj struggles in my grip.

Next thing we both know is that we're splashing into a water and sinking. As I get up I accidentally let the almiraj go. I pout in the direction it leap off in and prepare to chase after, but before I could a voice stops me.


Turning I see Lili along with Big sis Ais and some of the members from Take's familia along with Hestia and the two Amazons. But my eyes lock onto Lili as I realize one thing.

"You're... nude..." Was all I could get out as I felt my face burning red and I fall down going unconcious.



Lili calls out worried as she catches him.

Tiona:"Aww the Ripper fainted."

Hitachi:"Is he okay?"

She ask worried about Y/n.

Tione:"Well I think its obvious he wasn't intending to peak on us."

Lili:"Y/n can't be a pervert, he can barely handle it when i'm in my underwear."

Lili manages to move Y/n onto land.

Tiona:"So he has no problem cutting people up, but seeing a females nude body is too much?"

Hestia:"Seems so."

Lili smiles as she rubs Y/n's cheek.

Lili:"I love you."

Lili whispers.



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