Chapter Four

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Not that long after leaving my house, the library came into view as I passed Jill's Pharmacy. Adjusting the strap of the satchel on my shoulder, I strolled over to the door and opened it. The scent of a woody and sweet musky smell of books is what hit me as I entered the small building. And it was fairly small. As I entered the building, on my left side there was a small dark chestnut table with flyers for different types of events and on the wall there was a shelf with a variety of travel areas for families. Right on the left of it was the desk and counter of the librarian, Susan, but she wasn't there at the moment. I'm the middle of the room there were four rows of coffee colored tables with four chairs around them. And on the right there was the book area, about 6 aisles but the space between them gave enough room for at least one person to go through

A second later, Susan emerged from one of the aisles and peered over her glasses and gave me a welcoming smile, her black hair with silver gray streaks in them flowed down to her shoulders. She had a few books in her hands as she made her way over to her desk.

"Good morning Sam." She said as she placed the books on her desk

"Good morning Su." I replied with a smile and took a few steps over to the desk, leaning against it with my hands folded.

"You're usually not here during the week." She said as she sat in her chair and flipped through the two books before glancing up at me with a raised eyebrow. She's right, since I work during the day Monday-Friday, I'm always here most of the day on weekends.

"Yeah, Jill had a doctor's appointment today, probably an all day one and she didn't want me to be there alone I guess." I said, nodding my head.

"Such a sweet woman." She said with a smile. I nodded in agreement.

"Well, you go ahead and read to your heart's desire." She said with a chuckle as she turned to her computer.

"Thanks Susan." I said and gave a little tap on her desk before slowly making my way down the aisles until a book caught my attention. As I made my way down the aisles, my thoughts wandered back to the graffiti, TIS. What exactly did that stand for? I finally ended up in the history section of the library and scanned each and every book, hoping to find my answers in one of them. I pulled a few books out from the shelves and made my way over to one of the empty tables. Setting the books down I soon began to scan the pages, reading more on the history on why and how the world changed.

As I flipped through the pages of one of the books, a little section in the book caught my attention. The section mentioned the riots that happened 30 years later, people began to protest once again hoping to bring back the world how it once was. Without the Regulations of Lawrence. But to their failure never succeeded.

'We as a community will not be stopped in bringing back the country to where we were 30 years ago. As a society we shouldn't be told what to wear or how to speak because the president made it a law. We want our freedom! We want to be heard! We will not be silenced!'

-Anonymous, 2064

My eyes stared at the words on the page. We will not be silenced. Those were the exact words I saw the other night. Could this be it? Could this be the founder of the rebellion group? I sat there as my thoughts were all jumbled and scrambled trying to make sense of it all, but still nothing. I looked through the rest of the book and the other books I had but there wasn't much else I could find on who this group or person could possibly be. But they're probably not alive or maybe they are who knows.

A long frustrated sigh escaped my lips as I rubbed my face with my hands before closing the books and making my way back to put them back where they belonged.

Deciding to take a break from reading up on our history. I wandered over to my favorite genre section, mystery. I am a sucker when it comes to mystery books. I love trying to solve things just like the characters in the stories.

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