Chapter Eleven

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Two weeks have passed since I've been with the group. And for two weeks I've been stuck inside, not able to go anywhere. My brother had contacted me and told me that my parents did contact the authorities. But I couldn't message him back in case he was caught and I couldn't let him get in trouble either. So I did the only logical thing and broke my pager. Once I did that, I told Jill and she told me she would take care of it, keep an eye on Kyle and the house. So far the cops came by a few days after I disappeared and another time a few days ago, according to Ben and Krista who have passed by, but keeping their distance to not be seen.

These past few days, it's been quiet and there haven't been sightings of the cops near here either, thankfully.

To pass the time here, Jill had picked up a few books for me. So that's what I did, read. I didn't mind it though since I enjoyed reading, but I was hoping to do more now that I was here. Right now I was sitting in my bunk, with a book in my hand. Something caught my eye and I closed my book as I looked up to see Noah and Ben carry over a punching bag stand, Krista following behind them. I closed my book and got up making my way over to them. I watched as they set it up in the only spot in the room where they had enough space to do what they were going to do. Krista turned to look at me and smiled as she walked over and rested her arm on my shoulder. I crossed my arms over my chest as I watched the two of them.

"Time for some training." Krista said to me as I glanced at her and then back at the guys. Ben was putting on some gloves and Noah took a few steps back as he watched his friend. Ben then began throwing punches, jabbing quickly at the punching bag. I watched for a while as Ben, Krista and Noah took turns.

"Wanna take a crack at it?" Noah asked me with a smile as he handed me his gloves.

"Sure why not, even though I have no idea what I'm doing." I said as Noah helped me put the gloves on. Once I had them on, I walked over to the punching bag stand and Noah stood behind me.

"Alright so keep your legs apart and bent slightly, so you have good balance." He said to me and I nodded my head as I did what he said. I soon felt hands on my waist and I raised an eyebrow glancing over at him.

"Don't worry I'm just helping you with your form." Noah said to me and I turned back around, hoping he didn't see the redness in my cheeks. As I was about to take my first punch, we were interrupted by someone rushing into the room, it was Paul, another member of the group. He was running into the room, holding a newspaper. I glanced at Noah and then at the others.

"Jill! Jill! We have a problem!" He called out, his voice echoing in the room as it fell silent. Everyone gathered around as Jill came up and he handed her the newspaper. She flipped through it and we all looked at one another before looking back over at her, waiting for her to say something. Noah took a step over and looked down at what she was reading.

"Well, what is it??" Ben asked, breaking the silence.

"The president is enforcing a new law." Noah said, speaking up.

"What new law is it this time??" Someone said, making the rest of the group start talking amongst one another.

"Quiet!!" Jill yelled out. Everyone immediately stopped talking as we turned our attention back to her.

"A curfew, that's the new law." She said as she handed the newspaper to Noah before walking away.

"That's fucking stupid!" Ben yelled out. "First we can't wear what we want, then we can't fucking curse or speak our damn minds and now a fucking curfew!" He said raising his hands up and flopping them back down at his sides.

Everyone started speaking again, complaining. I mean I wouldn't blame them. A lot of things have been taken away from us. We can't express ourselves, we can't do anything remotely fun, like staying out late. Now we have a curfew? The way the presidents have been acting and enforcing these laws is a little ridiculous. Why can't we wear different clothes? Why can't we speak how we want? And now why do we have to be home at a certain time?

"Well what's the curfew time?" Krista asked, making me lose my thought and come back to reality. I looked around and everyone went back to their bunks, it was now just me, Krista, Ben and Noah standing in the middle of the room. Noah was staring at the newspaper and the three of us were looking at him.

"7 pm." He said as we looked at each other in disbelief. Noah ripped up the newspaper and tossed it on the floor before rushing out of the room. I turned to follow after him but felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned my head and Ben shook his head, telling me not to follow after him. A small sigh escaped my lips as I looked back at the door but Noah was gone. I hope he didn't go far, kept himself hidden and away from the streets. I turned my gaze over to Ben and Krista, now walking back to Ben's bunk. I was left standing there as I looked around the room, everyone was upset, I mean who wouldn't be. The world has gone to shit and we can't do anything about it. Well, we're trying but it feels as if we get one step closer we get shot down with another stupid law. The look on everyone's faces, especially Jill and Noah, was that they looked like they were losing hope, and the rest of the group was following as well. But they can't lose hope, not yet.

Hours passed and the day was getting late. There was still no sign of Noah. Ever since the group found out about this new "law" no one left the factory. Jill was at her desk with some others, trying to figure out a new plan and what the hell we were gonna do now. Ben and Krista have been sitting around, just like me and everyone else. I was reading a book, as per usual, but I finally closed it and set it down on my bed. I stood up and walked over to where Ben and Krista were. They were in mid conversation but stopped when I came up to them.

"I'm gonna go find Noah. He's been gone all day and I'm getting worried, what if something happened?" I said with my arms crossed over my chest. The two of them didn't say anything, just looked at each other and then back at me. Krista stood up and gave me a reassuring smile, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I know you're worried about him, so are we, but Noah does this a lot. He's gonna be okay." She said to me.I raised an eyebrow and glanced at Ben who gave me a nod. I let out a small sigh shaking my head.

"Well I can't just sit here." I said, taking a step back, Krista's hands dropping to her sides. I looked between the two of them waiting for them to say something else but they didn't. I shook my head and just walked away, now calling after me but I ignored them. I couldn't just leave him out there, I had to find him and bring him back. I pulled the hoodie over my head and opened the door rushing up the stairs.

"Don't stop me Johnny, I gotta find Noah." I said as I saw the light shine in my eyes. He stood at the door and looked down at me.

"Go back Sam, they're enforcing this new curfew, cops are gonna be everywhere."

"But what about Noah!" I yelled. I was now getting angry. We couldn't just leave him out there.

"He'll be fine." He said, his voice calm. How could everyone be relaxed at a time like this? He left the building, he wasn't wearing the usual clothing, he could have been caught. Ben and Krista said that Noah does this all the time and that he always comes back. But what if he doesn't come back? What if the cops already got to him? What if he's hurt? A million terrible things were running through my mind at the moment.

I stared up at Johnny, my eyebrows furrowing as we both just stared at each other for what felt like hours and hours.

"Go back down Sam, he's going to be fine." He said once again not moving from the door to the outside world. I let out a small sigh shaking my head before making my way back downstairs. I turned around and looked up at Johnny once more as he closed the flashlight. Shaking my head I closed the door and walked back over to my bunk, my eyes glanced over to Ben and Krista, both giving me a reassuring smile. I plopped back down on my bed and just laid there staring up at the top bunk. If he wasn't back by tomorrow morning, I was going out and looking for him, with or without help. Another frustrated sigh escaped my lips when I closed my eyes, instantly falling asleep.


Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Sorry if it's a little short! Let me know what you think!! Comment/vote share!!


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