Chapter Twelve

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The next morning I woke up to the sounds of people yelling and arguing. I rubbed my face with my hands to wake myself up before getting out of bed. Thankfully I didn't have one of those dreams last night.

"Oh good you're awake." I turned around to see Krista on her bunk, flipping through an old magazine.

"Is Noah here?" I asked her. She paused mid flip of a page and glanced at me before shaking her head no.

"Ben went out to look for him." She said to me as I let out a small sigh of relief.

"I could have gone to find him too." I said as I ran my fingers through my hair and looked around the room for a bit.

"Trust me, you wouldn't know where to look. Like Ben said, Noah does this a lot, usually he's back by now but something happened that made him not come back." She said to me

"He was caught...I mean what else could it be??" I said, now panicking even more.

"Sam, he's gonna be fine, okay? The cops are too slow to catch him. Noah's good at hiding." She said, trying to reassure me as best as she could. I just nodded my head and looked around the room. My gaze flickered over to where some people were crowded around Jill's desk. I had no idea what was going on over there but I could tell that Jill was getting really impatient. Everyone was talking over one another, still complaining about the new curfew law. I stood up straight and made my way over to everyone. The look Jill had on her face, I couldn't describe. I could tell though that she was worried about Noah and everyone bombarding her wasn't helping the situation at all. I pushed my way through the group, making my way in front of her desk.

"Alright guys, calm down, just go back to your bunks and we'll figure everything out." I said as I looked at everyone. They finally quieted down and made their way back to their bunks. I turned around to see Jill sitting down, her head in her hands as she leaned against the desk.

"Ben went out to find him, he's gonna be fine." I said to her as I walked around the desk and placed my hand on her shoulder. Jill then moved her hands from her face and looked up at me with a small smile. She nodded her head and let out a small sigh. Krista then walked over and gave us a reassuring smile, she made her way over to the other side of Jill and placed her hand on her shoulder as well. The three of us stood there for a moment, not saying anything, just the voices of the rest of the group filling up the room.

"We need a new plan, a new strategy." Jill said finally speaking up as she opened her desk, pulling out a bunch of papers. I glanced at Krista and she looked at me as we both nodded our heads in agreement before getting to work.


A few hours have passed and the three of us were still at the desk coming up with new strategies and plans. Now that we have a set curfew, thanks to the stupid president, we had to make sure we were back here at a certain time so we wouldn't get caught. As for tagging houses and buildings, that was going to be a bit more difficult. We don't know what time the cops are gonna be patrolling the neighborhoods, or if they are. That's the one thing we still needed to figure out and we haven't seen any updates on the newspapers or heard anything on the radio, as far as we knew.

Ben came back, but without Noah. Still couldn't find him anywhere. I really hope he was okay and he wasn't caught or got hurt somewhere. It was already 4 pm, and Jill didn't want Ben going out again looking for Noah, so he said he was gonna go out again tomorrow morning but earlier this time. 

"Okay, so we're gonna pause on the tagging of houses and stuff. I need you guys to be my eyes and ears okay? Listen In on conversations, find out what time the cops, guards, whatever, will be patrolling the streets. If they stop patrolling at a certain time, that's when we go out and do our thing, but for now we gotta lay low." She said to me, Krista and Ben. The three of us just nodded our heads as Jill dismissed us and we walked back to Ben and Noah's bunk. Ben plopped down, Krista sitting beside him.

"I don't understand where he could have gone." Ben said his head in his hands for a second before looking up at the two of us.

"I checked at all his hiding spots, twice." He said, shaking his head as he ruffled his hair. He then stood up from his bunk and paced back and forth. We just sat there for a few minutes not saying a word. Honestly right now, I felt useless, I still couldn't go out yet and now with this new curfew it was gonna be harder. I have to hide from my parents, but I still have to find a way to let Kyle know I'm safe and alive, and on top of that I was worried about Noah.

"We're gonna find him, we will." Krista said as she stood up from the bed and wrapped her arms around Ben, giving him a hug. I looked at the two of them for a moment before turning away and glanced at the floor as I played with my fingers. I really hope we do find him, I hope he comes back on his own.

I turned on my heels and made my way back to mine and Krista's bunk bed, to give the two of them some space. Plopping down on my bed, it made a creak sound as I laid back, grabbing my book and opening to read it. There wasn't much I could do at the moment to help the situation so I just got lost into the world of the book I was reading, Sherlock Holmes. It was an old book, but it was honestly one of my favorites. I loved figuring out who the killer was along with the main characters, it made me feel like I was a part of their team and worked along side them, and sometimes I wish I did. Reading these types of books helped me cope with the world around me and if I didn't have these stories, I don't know what I would do with myself.

I don't know how long I was reading for but it felt like hours. I glanced up for a second and realized all the lights on the beds were closed except for mine. I peaked around to see if Noah was in his bunk, he wasn't. Sighing softly I closed my book, making sure I had my bookmark in it so I didn't lose my spot.

Setting my book down next to me, I rested my arms behind my head getting lost in thought. Something I've been doing a lot lately. But I couldn't help it. So many things were running through my mind that I didn't know how I felt at the moment. Scared? Angry? Confused? Relieved? It was overwhelming. Since Noah ran off, everything's been hectic. When he was around, I felt more at ease and at peace. Another sigh escaped my lips as I closed my eyes for a moment. I really really hope he comes back soon or Ben finds him somewhere, alive.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the main door open and close. Probably just Johnny making sure everyone was in, well, everyone except Noah. I turned over on my side getting more comfortable to get some sleep when suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jolted up right and spun around, my eyes widening.

"Oh my god..." I breathed out. It was him. My arms instantly wrapped around his neck, pulling him close as I hugged him tightly. His arms wrapped around my waist, holding me close to him.

"Missed me huh." Noah said with a soft chuckle.  I turned my head slightly glancing up at him before pulling away.

"You asshole." I said smacking his arm a few times. "You scared the living hell out of me." I added as I let out a huff, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Ow.." Noah said as he rubbed his arm and chuckled softly.

"What's so funny? I was worried about you, everyone was. Where the hell were you??" I asked as I kept my eyes on him waiting for him to reply.

"I had to clear my head, that's all." He said as he turned to look at me. "I'm alright, I found a hiding spot and stayed there, until it was safe for me to leave." He added, giving me a reassuring smile. I stared at him for a moment and just nodded my head as I let out a small sigh running my fingers through my hair.

"Don't..." I started speaking, but I bit down on my lip and shook my head slightly. "Don't do that again.." I said looking down at the floor, not wanting to make any eye contact with him. I felt a finger under my chin and Noah lifted my head so I could look at him. He gave me a small smile before speaking up again.

"I promise, I won't leave like that again." He said to me as the two of us then laid down in my bed. Noah held me close to his chest as the both of us fell asleep in eachothers arms.


Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Let me know what you think in the comments! What do you think should happen next??



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