Chapter Twenty-Nine

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We finally arrived back to the antique shop. Luckily for us, no one was coming after us. Joe stopped the van in front of the shop and turned around to look at everyone.

Okay, I'm gonna get rid of the Van, they're probably looking for it as we speak. Sam, Krista get Linda. Ben and Kyle, you guys get Noah. Dave will take a look at them." He explained to us.

Once we got the wounded up Linda and Noah out of the van, the three of us made our way to the door, which swung open revealing Dave, a shocked expression on his face. He looked around the streets before motioning for us to get inside. Locking the door behind us, we all made our way downstairs.

On the floor there were two mattresses, one each side of the wall.

"Lay them down, I'm gonna check on Noah first." Dave said as Kyle and Ben set him down on the mattress.

Krista and I did the same with Linda on the other side of the room.

"I have to get the bullets out, if there isn't an exit wound." He said as he looked on the other side of Noah's leg. No exit wound. We were all standing around watching when Dave looked up at me and Krista.

"You girls know how to clean cuts?" He asked. I shook my head No and Krista yes. "You two take care of Linda, the boys and I got Noah, okay?" He said looking between the two of us.

We nodded yes as Krista grabbed my arm, she picked up the first aid kit from the table and the two of us made our way over to Linda.

Krista then proceeded to clean the cuts on Linda's face. She grabbed an ice pack and handed it to me.

"Just place it over the swelling on her eye." She explained to me. I gave her a nod and did what she said. A second later a scream erupted in the room. My head snapped over to the direction. It was Noah. Dave had one of his hands digging inside his leg, trying his best to get the bullet out.

"Hold him down!" He barked out at the other two as Kyle held down his shoulders and Ben held down his legs. I could see the way Noah was struggling, his arms and legs kicking around to break free, the painful screams from the pressure in his leg. I blinked a few times and quickly wiped a tear with my free hand.

"Sam, he's gonna be okay. Just focus on Linda right now."

I sniffled and gave a nod. The door swung open, revealing a distressed Joe.

"You have to hurry up. Now!" He yelled out.

Joe lead us out to another car, it was a moving truck. I swear I don't know how or when this man is able to do what he does. While I sat up the front in the passengers seat, the others sat in the back. Dave taking care of Noah, and Krista with Linda. Before we got them out, Joe and I packed up everything in the truck, making sure to not leave anything behind. My guess now, we were being looked for. So we had to ditch whatever clothing we had and get new ones.

I have no idea how long we've been driving for, but it was getting late. I could see the sun setting in the horizon, the sky was a mixture of pink and orange. Joe made a sharp left turn into an abandoned road. I raised an eyebrow and looked at him.

"We need a new hide out." He explained.

"Well what'd you do with the Van?"

"I gave it to a friend of mine, to the junkyard. I made sure he took it apart and destroyed every piece. In return I got this truck."

"Right, well what happened? Why the rush?"

"I was listening in on the radio. My friend stole it. They mentioned the attack at the White House, on the president and that they're looking for a group in ski masks, janitor outfits and the Van we were in, which I ditched as quick as I could even before listening on the radio."

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