Chapter Five

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The Sun in the L.A Horizon had now begun to set as I was making my way back home. I held onto the strap of my satchel, strolling down the sidewalk and kicked a pebble along the pathway. I lifted my head and looked up at the sky, keeping my eyes on the pink/orange sunset that lit up the sky, which was the only beautiful thing we have in our lives right now. Everywhere I go, everything looks the same. There are days where I wish that some sort of excitement would happen because all I do is wake up, go to work, come home and the only "fun" thing in my life is going to the library and reading random books or sitting at a cafe and reading as well

One of the reasons I am the way I am is because of my parents. They're very cautious of everything around them and they've been keeping me and my brother on a leash, not able to explore and find ourselves. I see people around me, like Noah for instance, and it seems that he has a lot of fun and has his life put together, despite the fact of the type of world we live in right now. As I mentioned before, there's not much technology left in the world, and the ones who own them are those who are rich and powerful, rich and famous, and people like that are well protected and also support the government and their laws in making sure every middle and lower class human being abides to these regulations, which is pretty unfair to say the least. So yeah, many years of riots and protests and the only people who get away are the rich and powerful, who live in their own restricted area away from the rest of the population.

My thoughts kept wandering about how these rich people kept getting away with all this technology while the rest of us were stuck, not even moving forward, not evolving.

As I kept pondering on it, some movement from the corner of my eye caught my attention. I quickly looked over to two houses and saw someone disappear behind one of them. My eyes wandered the streets to see if anyone else saw what I did but nothing. I stood there for a minute before mustering up the courage to find out what that was.

Slowly but sure I crept my way over to the house, my hands gripped tightly on the strap of my bag. My eyes scanned the area and then at the house to see if there was anything different. Nothing. What caught my attention was the sound of something shaking and spraying.

Furrowing my eyebrows I continued to make my way over to the back corner of the house. Holding my hand on the wall of the house, I slowly peaked my head around the corner and my eyes widened at what I just witnessed.

It was a guy dressed in all black clothing, a hood over his head and a mask just covering his mouth and nose. He shook the can a few times as he continued to spray the wall but stopped as he slowly turned his head in my direction. I quickly moved and leaned my head against the wall as nerves took over my entire body hoping he didn't see me.

A minute had passed and it was eerily quiet. I finally turned and peaked around the corner but the hooded figure was gone. Furrowing my eyebrows I stood up straight and slowly walked over to where he was spray painting. My eyes widened at the sight. The rebellion signature and their logo spray painted on someone's house. I stared up at the bright red words for a good few seconds before quickly looking around to make sure no one saw me. Thankfully no one did, but something told me that someone was watching, feeling the hairs on my neck stand up. I shivered slightly and looked around once more before taking off and rushing back home.


Once I entered my house, I closed the door behind me and locked it as I leaned against the wall to catch my breath. "Sam? Is that you?" My mom called from the kitchen hearing bags and boxes rustle.

"Yeah it's me." I replied now that I had calmed down a bit walking into the kitchen. Kyle was sitting at the table reading a history book as he munched on some fries. Mom was setting boxes of food on the table.

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