Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The following day, we all gathered into the Van once again. All except Dave. We didn't want to risk the rescue if they recognized him. So, Dave stayed behind to guide us through the building using these walkie talkies Joe had in one of the boxes in his little hideout room.

As we headed on towards the White House, I recalled the conversation I had with Dave last night.

Dave was standing in front of the map that was displayed on the wall. His hands placed behind his back as he stared intently. The others were going over the plan, and Joe was teaching them how to use a gun. Just in case we had to use it, and for my sake and everyone else's, I hope we didn't have too.

I slowly walked over to Dave and stood next to him. I stared at the map, then at him, then back at the map.

"I'm glad Jill is alright. That she's safe, and surrounded by people who care for her." Dave spoke up after the long silence between us.

"We haven't had contact with her since we left, I hope she's okay. I know she's worried about Noah." I replied with a soft sigh.

"Noah, Joe's and Linda's kid." He said with a shake of his head. I could see a small smile forming on his lips from the corner of my eye. "He was a good kid, always staying out of trouble."

"Yeah, well look at him now...captured.."

It grew silent once again. Just the voices of the others in the background.

"Once we rescue them, will you come back?" I asked and turned to look at him. I watched as Dave played with his beard, his eyes focused on the map for a second before turning to look at me.

"I would love to, but-" he said but stopped as he stared at the wall. I raised an eyebrow crossing my arms over my chest.

"But what?" I asked tilting my head as I watched him for a moment. He let out a long sigh before turning to look at me.

"I don't think Jill would be happy to see me." He admitted and I nodded my head slowly to what he said.

"Well, I've known Jill for a while now. Even though she hasn't mentioned you one bit, I know she'll be happy to see you." I replied giving him a reassuring smile. Dave placed a hand on my shoulder and nodded his head.

"Let's rescue Noah and Linda, okay?" He added and I gave him a nod.

We soon arrived to the White House. Joe drove up to the large gate. A security guard stepped out of the booth on our left and made his way over to the drivers side of the van.

"Name?" He said staring down at the clipboard, not making eye contact with us.

"Jensen Adams." Joe said calmly. The security guard looked up for a second before looking back down at the clipboard.

"New cleaning crew. Alright." He said as he walked back into the booth. A second later the gates opened. The guard gave a quick wink to Joe and we finally made it through.

"Wait...he works for the rebellion?" Krista said out loud and Joe gave a nod.

"Yeah, I told you we still have some people out here." He said with a smile. Joe pulled around to the back of the building.

"Alright Sam and Kyle, disguises on now." Joe said to us and the two of us put on our wigs and fake glasses. Ben turned to look at us.

"Okay, this is it, Noah and his mom should be here. We stick to the plan. And we use the code names through these walkie-talkies." He said as he handed each of us a walkie talkie.

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