Chapter Fifteen

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Kyle had been adjusting well to the group and I was honestly really glad to have my brother here, because I honestly don't know what I would have done if he was still home, worrying about where I was and if I was okay.

So far we hadn't heard any news on anything, especially from the president. It's been quiet for a few weeks and we continued on like normal. Kyle hung out with Noah and Ben a lot and that made me happy. They showed him the ropes on everything and he did pretty well his first day tagging the other week.

We had finally finished up our neighborhood, but we hadn't recruited a lot of people these past few weeks. But hey, some people are better than none.

Krista and I were with Jill helping her to plan how to start in the next neighborhood. It was about an hour walk but a 30 minute drive. Jill said that it was better we didn't have cars, since cars are easier to spot and be heard. For now though we decided to lay low and go about our day until she came up with a better plan. And hopefully to get more people to join the rebellion.

I glanced up hearing the door slam closed. Noah, Kyle and Ben came back, thankfully right before curfew. The three of them were talking, laughing. I smiled to myself, I was really glad that the three of them got along. Noah and I made eye contact and he smiled at me, I smiled back before turning my attention back to Jill and Krista.

"Alright ladies, not much to do but wait. I know it's hard but we have too." She said as she looked back at the two of us.

Noah then walked over and the three of us looked up at him.

"Not much to report back. It's been quiet." He said as he looked at Jill and she gave him a nod.

"How did Kyle do today?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. Kyle and I were finally able to go out during the day. Although we had to stay in areas where our parents and neighbors didn't go often, we had to put on some sort of disguise, like a new wig, hats, sunglasses and what not. Kyle and I took turns on which days we should go out, rather than going out at the same time. I was glad to be finally outside, rather than just at night.

"He did pretty well. I'm impressed." Noah said with a smile, his arms crossed over his chest. Jill gave him a nod as she closed up the other maps. Krista then made her way over to Ben, leaving me and Noah, alone.

"He did okay?" I asked Noah and he looked over at me, giving me a nod.

"Yeah, it's like he was born for this." He said with a chuckle. I smiled slightly and turned my gaze over to Kyle who was talking to Ben and Krista.

"Hey, come on." Noah said tapping my arm with his and I glanced at him with a raised eyebrow. He motioned for me to follow him. The two of us made our way upstairs and out the building.

"It's past curfew..where are we going?" I asked raising my eyebrows suspiciously. Noah turned to look at me as he made his way to the back door and opened it.

"Do you trust me?" He asked as I glanced out the door and then at him.

"Do you trust me?" He asked once more as I nodded my head. He held his hand out for me to take out, and I did without any hesitation, following him into the dark night.


Noah and I ended up walking through one of the parks, away from everything. I looked around, it was just trees surrounding us and the moonlit sky lighting the way. I still had no idea where Noah was leading me too, but we had been walking for a while, the sound of leaves crunching beneath our feet.

We finally ended up in an open area and I looked around, before looking in front of us. It was an abandoned house. My eyebrows raised slightly as I looked at Noah for a second before looking around once more. He let go of my hand and walked up to the house, the stairs creaking with each step. He opened the door and turned to look at me, a small smile on his face.

"Come on." He said with a soft chuckle as I stood there for a minute before moving my legs and following after him, the door closing behind us. As we stepped inside, it was pitch dark. Noah then reached into his pocket, pulling out his lighter. I watched as he grabbed something, the silhouette of it looked like a lantern. Once Noah lit it he held it up and I squinted my eyes as I looked around. Everything in here was broken, the floorboards were torn, the wall paint was peeling, in the middle of the room there was a torn up couch and a broken coffee table.

"Okay, where are we?" I asked, finally speaking up. Curiosity in my voice. Noah let out a small chuckle as he walked over to the stairs that were right in front of us and walked up. I raised my eyebrow and looked around once again before following him. The stairs creaked loudly as we made our way upstairs, some of them were broken off. I made sure to be careful so I wouldn't fall. Once we got up the stairs there was a door to our left and Noah opened it.

We stepped inside and Noah closed the door behind him, setting up the lantern on one of the hooks on the wall. I looked around the empty room, except for the walls, which were spray painted completely. My eyes widened slightly as I gazed at the walls. There were the logos of the rebellion written on each side, pictures of certain parts of our neighborhood, like the coffee shop, the library and the pharmacy that I worked in. There was also a picture of the president's face, with the logo written on it in red, his eyes and mouth X'ed out in black spray paint. I turned to look at him and he was already looking at me, a small smile on his face.

"Did you do all this?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. Noah gave me a nod, his hands in his pockets.

"This is...pretty cool." I said with a chuckle as I took a step closer to one of the walls, getting a better look at the details that he put in the spray painted drawings.

"So why the secrecy?" I asked, turning to look at him once again.

"Well it's not a secret anymore." He said with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes and lightly pushed him.

"You know what I mean." I said, crossing my arms over my chest. I watched as Noah sat down on the floor. I stood there for a second before deciding to sit next to him.

"No one knows about this place, except you of course." He said with a smile glancing over at me.

"Well I'm glad you trust me enough with this." I said with a smile. We then sat there in silence just admiring Noah's artwork.

"Remember when I ran off, the day when the fucking president enforced a new law?" He asked and I nodded my head. "I found this place, just stumbled upon it. So I came in, checked it out and made sure there was no one in here obviously." He said as he paused for a second.

"And I just went nuts in here...I was so angry that day. It just never fucking ends does it..." he said with a sigh and laid back on the floor. I sat there quietly, not saying anything, just letting him speak. I turned my attention back to the walls and let out a small sigh.

"I's insane." I said finally speaking up as I looked over at him before laying down as well. I was lost in thought now, everything that had happened from the first day I saw those tags, up until now. I hadn't regretted a single moment on the choice I made.

A second later I felt a hand graze mine, it was Noah's. My eyes flickered over to where our hands were and I shifted my hand slightly, taking his hand in mine. Our fingers interlocked, but this was different from the other times we held hands. My eyes shifted over to his face, and he was already looking at me. We just laid there for a while not saying, just staring into each other's eyes. This was it, this was the moment. The final moment where I finally realized that I was in love with him.


Hey everyone!! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! What did you guys think?! What should happen next??



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