Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I turned the flashlight on, shining it down the stairs so it could light our way. Krista and I slowly made our way down the stairs, trying to make as little noise as possible, hoping no one would here us. As soon as we got to the bottom of the staircase, a long hallway, with concrete floors and walls was in front of us. I raised an eyebrow at Krista and she gave a nod.

The two of us held our guns up as we started making our way down the hall. The only sound was our footsteps echoing through the hall. We suddenly stopped in our tracks when we heard a scream. My heart pounded heavily as I turned to look at Krista.

The two of us sped up the pace as we continued down the hallway, when suddenly a flash of light was in front of us.

"Shit!" I whispered and shielded the light with my hands.

"Sam? Krista?"

It was Ben's voice. He lowered the flashlight and the four of us were standing there.

"Jesus you scared the hell out of us." Kyle spoke up.

"Sorry. We heard a scream." Krista explained. Which we did, and it definitely sounded like Noah's voice.

"He's here, in one of these rooms." Ben said as he scanned the hall. There were metal doors throughout either side of the walls, and possibly two of them had Noah and his mom.

"Hold on." Ben said as he pulled something out of his pockets, some black ski masks. "Put these on, so they don't see our faces." He explained.

We nodded in agreement and took the masks from his hands and slipped them over our heads.

"Okay, you guys check the left, Kyle and I will go on the right."

We all nodded and continued on through the halls. Another scream erupted and then,


Krista and I stopped again in our tracks. The screaming had stopped.

"No.." I whispered, my hand gripping tighter onto the gun in my hand. I continued to push forward. I soon stopped in front of a door. Leaning forward, I pressed my ear up against the door. My eyes widened as I heard voices behind it. I looked at Krista and she gave me a nod, taking the flashlight and signaling the guys to come to us.

Once Ben and Kyle were on either side of me, I looked at the two of them.

"On the count of three." I mouthed.




Ben kicked open the door in front of us and before the guards could even pull their own weapons out, Ben and Kyle shot both of them in the shoulder. The two guards collapsed on the ground, screaming in pain from the bullet wounds.

Krista rushed over and held the gun to the presidents face.


He did as she was told. As Krista kept an eye on him, Ben and Kyle rushed over to the guards to remove their weapons. I immediately rushed over to Noah, beaten to a pulp.

"Noah. Noah!" I shouted as I placed my hands on his face, lifting his head slightly. He just groaned in response and I looked down to see bullet wounds on his leg.

"Shit.." I muttered as I looked around hoping to find something to tighten around the wound. My eyes flickered to the floor and saw Noah's shirt. That'll do. I thought to myself as I picked it up from the floor and began to wrap and tie it around his leg. Once I knew it was tight enough to stop the bleeding, I reached for one of the blades and cut the ropes from his hands and legs. I heard him wince in pain and slowly helped him on his feet.

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