Chapter Seven

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Noah and I had left the diner a while ago to wherever he was leading me. Probably the hideout of the rebellion group. We continued making our way down the sidewalk, walking past houses, stores and what not. Noah kept looking around, making sure we weren't being followed or watched. It was just the two of us out late at night now. I looked around as well to make sure no one saw us. We soon ended up near an old factory. It stopped working years ago. I raised my eyebrow as I watched Noah slowly open the gate and step through. He gestured for me to follow him and I did.

Closing the gate behind us, he locked it and motioned for me to follow him. We made our way across the lot and towards the old factory. My eyes scanned the area, there were abandoned cars and trucks in the lot, and lots of old garbage that no one bothered to come get. Noah and I reached the front of the old factory. He looked over at me and smiled at me before pulling out a key and unlocked the door. We made our way inside, Noah closing the door behind him.

"There's no one here." I whispered, adjusting the strap of my satchel on my shoulder as I looked around the empty building. The pipes and old machinery were rusted completely and the ceiling was broken, now all over the floor, due to years of shit weather. The floors were completely shot from the broken ceilings, dust and rubble everywhere. I glanced over to some of the windows, which were broken as well, smashed in as I might say.

"Follow me." He whispered and made his way across the large room. "Watch your step." He added, gesturing to the floor and I did, making sure not to trip over myself and fall into broken bricks or glass. We soon made it to the end of the building and we were standing in front of a metal door that said KEEP OUT. We both looked at each other and Noah knocked on the door, sort of like a signal knock. He knocked once, waited a second, then knocked three times quickly, waited another second and then two slow knocks. We took a step back, hearing the sound of the door being locked on the other side. The door swung open and revealed a very tall and buff man on the other side. He was super muscular, and was wearing clothes that I haven't actually seen before but rather read about  a black beanie hat, a black t-shirt and dark blue jeans with boots. His arms were crossed over his chest as his glare pierced down at the two of us.

"What's up Johnny." Noah said, giving him a head nod and smiling up at him. I looked between the two of them and raised an eyebrow slightly

"Noah, it's late, you could have been seen or caught." The guy said, relaxing his arms slightly.

"Yeah but I wasn't. Don't worry, I'm always careful." He said, shoving his hands in his pockets. The guy, Johnny, shook his head and turned his gaze to me.

"Who's this?" He asked, standing up straighter and kept his gaze on me. I opened my mouth to say something but Noah beat me to it.

"Samantha, she's a new recruit." Noah said with a proud smile. Johnny raised his eyebrow, not taking his eyes off of me and I quickly nodded my head.

"Yeah, I am." I said, giving him a smile. "It's nice to meet you." I added. Johnny looked between the two of us and after about a minute, stepped aside to let us in.

"Come on."  Noah said to me with a smile as we stepped inside and Johnny closed the door, the room instantly getting pitch black. I couldn't see a thing, but all I heard was the door lock and a light was turned on. Johnny was holding a flashlight and in front of us were stairs that led to God knows where. Noah started making his way down the stairs, he glanced over his shoulder and motioned for me to follow me. I stood there, frozen, not moving. This was it. I took in a deep breath and soon followed after him, Johnny behind us as he held the flashlight for us to light the way. Once we got to the bottom of the staircase, there was another metal door in front of us that had an empty rectangular spot on the door, a lighter color than the rest of the door.

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