Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Okay, hold on, I'm like really really confused." Krista said, arms crossed as she glared up at the strange man in front of us. The three of us have been standing there for the past, twenty minutes, shocked and confused, not knowing what to think about the situation we were in. This man, he knew or probably still knows Jill. But how did he know her?

"How do you know Jill?" I asked the man as I crossed my arms over my chest and stared up at him. I watched his body language, his movement. He seemed nervous, didn't know if he should say anything, but if he knows Jill and he knows we know her, he could help us. He looked between the two of us before letting out a long sigh.

"Give me a minute." He said as he made his way towards the front door. I peeked over the shelves and watched as he locked the door, turn the sign over from OPEN to CLOSED and turned off the lights. The room instantly got dark, except for the lights from outside beaming into the store. He made his way back over, but walked passed us to the back of the store.

"Come on, follow me." He called out. Krista and I exchanged looks before following after him. He was standing behind the counter watching us before pushing one of the shelves to the side, revealing a door. Once he opened the door, he motioned for us to follow him as he turned on the light.

Krista and I gave each other another look before we made our way over to the door. I looked around the corner and noticed stairs. The two of us stood there and then Krista spoke up.

"I'm guessing this is the part where we find out you're a serial killer and butcher us to our death?" She asked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at her as the two of us gazed over at the man as he moved the shelf once more covering the doors opening.

"Please, just get a move on." He told us and the three of us made our way down the stairs. Once we reached the bottom there was another door in front of us. Krista and I moved to the side so the man could make his way through and open the door. Once the lights over the stairs were shut off, the lights to the room opened and my eyes widened at the sight.

All along the walls there were a variety of different weapons displayed, from rifles to knives to hand grenades. There were boxes all over the floor labeled EXPLOSIVES - DO NOT TOUCH. The wall in front of us was a large map of what seemed to be the capital and some pictures of people and buildings, some of them I recognized as Jill, the president, The White House, and another picture of a woman.

I watched as Krista strolled over to the map and examined it for a moment.

"This is a picture of Noah's mom." She pointed to the picture of the random woman. I walked over and looked at the picture she was pointing too. The two of us turned to look at the man. His arms were crossed over his chest as he looked between the two of us.

"I don't know why it slipped my mind like it did or why I didn't realize when I got a look at him." Krista spoke as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"What are you talking about?" I asked raising an eyebrow as I looked between the two of them.

"You're Noah's dad."

My eyes widened at what she said and I blinked. I opened my mouth to speak but no words were coming out as I turned my attention back over to the man. He didn't say anything either, just stood there. Which confirmed it. Noah's long lost father

Ben's POV

Kyle and I have been wandering the streets trying to talk to people who might know where the hell Noah would be. Either everyone was just stupid or they really had no clue about anything.

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