~ Chapter 3 ~

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Year: 3205
The Military Academy

             "Blaze, you need to gain control of yourself, you need to fight against it! Stop!" A voice screams inside my head every time I close my eyes. Every time, I see this man standing in front of me and I'm spilling my flames directly against him. "Don't let him control you, Blaze! Fight him!" He keeps going on the more I spill my flames towards him. Someone is standing next to me. "Don't listen to him. He's a traitor, an enemy...he must die." He's the one I find myself listening to, but I don't know who's actually who. I can't see their faces or uniforms. They're covered up, something inside my head seems to either not genuinely know, or it's blocking me from seeing it.

            I'm cautious and slightly scared to close my eyes at night. I mean, I do it because I'm too tired not to, but it scares me at the same time because several times when I wake up, I've sensed that my hands are warm, as if I've been using them recently, but I know for a fact, that I've been sleeping. Nothing around me is never burned or out of place, but...the images inside my head, the dreams that I'm having, they don't actually feel as fictional as normal dreams. They feel so real to me that for some reason I think they're memories, except I don't really remember them, they just keep coming back to me. God, I don't know if this is just all in my head or if something is actually going on. I'm going crazy, aren't I?

            I've managed to connect this feeling with what happened two months ago when I woke up all sweaty and hot. I remember putting the necklace from Rocky in my pocket, but I didn't find it there. I found it right next to my mattress almost completely melted away. It's been bothering me because I don't know why it suddenly got that way. Someone with a lot of heat did that and I know that it wasn't me because I would never even think about ruining something that important to me. I've got no idea what else is going on with me, but a certain somebody does. He just doesn't share it with me. For some reason, he doesn't share a damn thing with me and I don't know why that is. It's almost like I've done something to him, but I don't know when or even what.

            I'm just hoping that any day now, Senior Pool is going to walk through the doors because I really need to talk to someone before I go mental. He's been gone for two months without a sound, which is a rather unfortunate timing for him to be gone. There are no Seniors around here that I know. I mean, I do know Senior Fall, but I know to stay away from him. Something is rather shady about him and I even said that to Breeze quite a while ago. He just doesn't seem to share the same opinion. He hardly shares anything with me these days so I've stopped sharing things with him...things that we were actually eagerly discussing before we even got here. For some reason, he seems to have forgotten all about them.

            I tried, obviously. I tried to talk to him about the Grand Master and how we were thinking about him being connected to Senior Pool and stuff, but he doesn't share anything with me. I don't even know if he actually listens when I talk, but he's locking my outside of his head. He freezes every time that I mention Senior Pool's name, and I think I spot this boiling rage inside of him every time I've mentioned the Grand Master. But Senior Fall? Well, apparently he's completely normal...

            Breeze has been more focused on the training than I can remember. He's so focused on enhancing his element with the weapon he's building that he completely ignores me for a full ten hours a day. Even afterwards, we don't share many words. It bugs me quite a lot. Before, I didn't really care about him much, especially when we were first put together, but after he nearly got himself killed, we both agreed to work as a team and we did so that entire year that followed...so what happened?

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