~ Chapter 8 ~

689 43 21

Year: 3205

The Military Academy


Ever since that conversation with Rain earlier today, I haven't been able to hold back about the millions of things that he and Breeze might be up to. I'll never be able to understand how they all of a sudden are so tight and keep secrets from the rest of us. It almost makes me wish that things were back to 'normal' where Rain was taunting Breeze to make him stronger so that I was let in on the 'whats' and 'whys'. Of course, I'm happy that they're getting along because it does so much good on the both of them, but at the same time, others are being left out. They're keeping something from me and they're keeping something from Blaze. There's got to be a reason...

When I'm not messing around with my weapon, I sit by the bed and polish my uniform the best I can. Well, either that or shadow Rain or Breeze. The problem with that is that Rain already knows my movements just as much as I know his, and Breeze...well, he's been strangely out of reach today. So I've been sitting here polishing and polishing, hoping I'll catch one of them before Blaze comes. As much as I hate them keeping secrets from her, I need to know for myself what it is. And of the guys that can actually tell me that, just happens to be walking towards me.

"Well, well, if it isn't my partner in combat Rain." I let out slightly sarcastic to see what kind of revealing mood he's in. He simply gives away a smile before he sits down opposite to me. "I know what you're trying to do, Ember. You might as well just save your strength for training tomorrow. It's for the best." He says. "Best for who? Me? You? Your brother? Or perhaps it's Blaze..." I let out even more sarcastic. "It's obvious that your brother has planted a seed into your head and you're now more guarded than ever so don't tell me it's nothing." I answer as I stop polishing my jacket and look straight at him.

"Do you trust me, Ember?" He suddenly asks and I'm caught a little bit off guard by the question. "Of course I do. I trust you with my life." I answer immediately. Why does he ask me that? "Good, so trust me when I tell you that it is for the best if we keep this circle as small as possible." He goes on and I immediately let out a deep sigh. I shake my head weakly before I return to polishing my jacket. "I guess I thought you trusted me a little more than that." I let out in frustration.

He stays quiet for a while as the only sound between us my polishing and him removing his jacket. After a while I turn my head towards him and see that he has a rather distant look on his face. "Rain, you've gotten yourself involved in something way bigger than you probably anticipated. That's what I can see from where I stand...on the outside." He looks up at me immediately. "And it has to stay that way, you being on the outside because that makes you able to see things differently." He goes on.

"It would however help me even more if I knew what I would be looking at differently than you or your brother...you know I can be helpful on touchy subjects." I let out. "I know that, Ember, but it's just...Blaze is already onto Breeze about certain things and she needs someone she can lean on. Someone who won't lie to her face when she talks to them. Like I said, this circle of knowledge has to be as small as possible. I would've included you if you hadn't been so well connected with Blaze. She's going to need someone when she can't trust her own partner..."

There it is - the agenda for not telling me whatever it is that they're holding back. "You know I can keep a rather decent poker-face, Rain. God knows I've been doing that for over ten years already and you haven't even noticed." I let out bluntly before I catch Rain's eyes hit me as if I've revealed something. Perhaps I did. Question is - does he figure it out or not? "About what? A poker-face about what?" No, he doesn't. "It doesn't matter, Rain, it's not of importance. Whatever it is you and Breeze are up to however, is." I let out as I dismiss it right away.

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