~ Chapter 25 ~

190 20 6

Year: 3205
Military Academy

"Master, the health-scan that you requested for that Junior Elemental has been completed and the results are ready. This is of interest, Grand Master." A doctor says to a man with his back against him. He's rather arrogant, the one who's yet to respond to the doctor. I can't tell who he is by the way he is just standing there with his back turned, but my gut tells me I am not going to like whomever it is I am going to see when he does turn around. That is the first thing I think about in this moment, not the fact that I don't know where this is or how I got here. It's hard to distinguish between a dream or a long-forgotten memory. If this is a memory, why don't I remember this?

"I have been waiting for those results for quite some time." The man answers calmly, but undoubtedly dissatisfied. His voice sounds familiar, but the fact that it's so familiar and I can't place it is frustrating. I need to know who this person is. Another thing that I think about is why this is something I should see. Who could possibly be so important to me that I'd want to see technicalities about their health-scan? I hardly even know what that type of scan is. My only guess is that it is something they do in the beginning to assess capabilities in accordance to the given element one is associated with.

"The process got complicated. The Junior Elemental had quite an intrusive sister, -partner, sorry, that refused to leave her out of her sight." The doctor goes on. Why am I finding this to be awfully familiar? "I take it you subdued her in some way." The man answers after a while. "Yes, Grand Master, of course we did. We blanked her memory of the entire thing. Their bond however is too strong for us to break." The doctor went on. The man in front of him stopped doing whatever it was he was doing. I see the movement of him turning around, and suddenly I'm anxious.

"Sorry, is there anyone here that can do anything that I ask? A health-scan is a simple task, blanking one's memory of a sibling should be even easier." It's the Grand Master himself. A younger version of him, more impatient than the one I've gotten to know. He looks angry, mischievous and harsh. "My sincerest apologies, Grand Master. The results of the scan are a cause for concern however. We re-took the scan to be sure we had it right." The doctor responds as he hands the Grand Master the tablet. "Right, thank you. You can leave now." He answers, but the doctor is hesitant.

"Grand Master, with all due respect, this individual has to be told and put into treatment right away. If she develops her powers, she will die." The doctor warns him. "I don't think you heard me the first time, doctor." The Grand Master walks towards him, his hands glowing red, but I don't think the doctor sees them. "Leave." Uneasy, the doctor does leave. I can see this underlying hatred in him. If he still has that part in him, he's contained it really well. At the same time, maybe this is all gone in the present version of him.

"You might have to spook this doctor, Storm." The Grand Master then says. I didn't notice Storm in the shadows, but of course he is here too. "I know a trick or two. So, what are you doing to do with these results?" He then asks as he looks at the tablet. "I am the Grand Master. I don't have to do anything if I don't see the benefits of it." The Grand Master strolls towards the window facing what's out there, which I am assuming is a desert by the red and slightly pink color that I see from where I am standing. "Give it four or five years and this person will be dead." Storm mentions carelessly before he walks over to Vulcano.

"Long before they come of age. There is a sibling involved too with a bond too strong to be broken. I am not going to waste my time healing one half of the link if that means the other one won't be of any use to us. This way, the other sister will fight for her dead sister." The Grand Master goes on. "I don't have to do anything, and it will benefit us." He explains. I want to take a few steps towards the tablet and see the name of the person they're talking about, but I am too scared they'll notice me. More and more however, this feels like something that I need to know. "Your brother is not going to like it." Storm then mentions. "My foolish, newly demoted brother, 'Senior Pool', can dislike this as much as he wants, but he has no power whatsoever."

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