~ Chapter 31 ~

158 17 8

Year: 3205

We have been on the run for a few days. It feels like more than just a few days, but the days here on Mars are longer than what I'm used to. So far, there have been no signs of anyone following us...nor any sign of Aqú. I should probably get used to the latter. He said he was going to stall them so that we could get away. He'll probably try to pose as the only passenger. He has his ways of doing things I've come to understand. He can be very resourceful and serious when he wants to be, so I have no doubt he'll make something believable up. He showed me the latter when he handed me the crystal.

Qor on the other hand is less talkative. We haven't spoken that many words between us since we separated from Aqú. Aqú seems to be the one to bring out more words from him than I can, but it is a nice change of pace to be with someone a lot calmer. For some reason it helps me stay calm as well. We have tried to stay off the sand for as long as possible, and it's difficult because this entire planet is mainly a desert, covered in red sand. We try to stick with the smaller mountain-chains to not leave behind any footprints. We have found a small cave where we are now resting.

I hold the stump of my hand closer to my chest, pressing it gently against my chest with my other arm where I have the crystal in my hand. It has a clear, natural blue color to it. I can only associate the color with the old pictures I remember seeing of my home-planet, back when most of the planet's surface was covered with water. There is a type of energy coming from the crystal, I can feel it wanting to vex itself onto me. For some reason, it can't, not in its current state. I suppose there is a process to go through for it to truly happen, like Aqú pointed out a few days ago.

I haven't been much of a talker these last couple of days. One could blame it on Qor for not being a talkative type of individual, but at the same time there is something pressing down on my heart. Whenever I look towards the Moon, I almost know I am looking at the source of this feeling that I have. I can only wonder what's going on...or what's happened. I know I left everybody behind; my brother, Blaze and Ember. I can't make sense of the sad feeling inside of me, but it's constantly there, trying to tell me something.

"When sun settles, we try to walk. Sometimes it is better to move in dark." Qor says as he walks further into the cave where I am sitting. He has something resembling food with him. My personal provisions lasted until this morning. I rationed it for as long as I could, but I needed the energy after losing my hand. I still feel that hand sometimes, but I try to force my body to remember that it's gone. "How far away are we?" I ask him. It's the first sentence I speak to him since yesterday that does not involve when to move and when to rest.

"Not far away. I hope they meet us on the way. Dangerous territories ahead now. Aqú said so himself, there are Martians looking for humans to torture, to kill...for entertainment purposes." Qor answers me as he hands a piece of his own food. It looks strange to the human-eye, but I suppose if he is handing it to me, I can safely eat it. Qor is chewing into it without a second-thought, so I take a bite of it as well. It has such a strong taste to it that I have to close my eyes. I almost cringe as the taste spreads throughout my tongue.

"Wow...that was lot more bitter than I imagined." I let out. Qor looks at me confused at first, then he finds it in him to smile. "That is considered sweet here." He simply responds. I almost chuckle in response. It's been the first silly thing in what feels like forever that I have found the will to laugh at. We share this moment for a little while, but then my eyes turn back to the crystal in my hand. I fight my way through the food that Qor so generously gave to me as I look at the contents inside the crystal.

It looks like a fluid. Whenever I let it roll inside the palm of my hand, I feel the matter on the inside move as if it. Some sort of energy is already coming out of it whenever it is in direct contact with my skin. I remember that Senior Pool had this for quite some time, storing his element for a rainy day, literally. Maybe this was the moment he foresaw somehow: me, in a dangerous place with limited abilities to defend myself.

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