~ Chapter 11 ~

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Year: 3205
The Military Academy

There is a big crowd now gathering around the dual-circle. It's usually where people do Elemental combat in order to experiment with their Elemental weapon. Now that I am going up against a Master Elemental, everybody wants to watch it. I don't stand a chance, I know I don't. I've only been at the grade of Elemental for a couple of months. Now I am taking on the highest levelled Elemental of Air, with my own weapon that I have not fully developed yet. It's full of potential, but I haven't really tried it yet. There's a first for everything...right?

I am a little nervous walking to my weapon-locker. Rain is already there and I can tell he is nervous too. That doesn't help me much because I'm the one who is going to try and dual against a Master Elemental. "I hope you worked out some of the glitches that you experienced the other day...I got a feeling he's not going to go easy on you." Rain says. I look back at the Master Elemental and I know that Rain is right. Laying down my cards the way I did yesterday looks like a stupid move right about now. "No, I haven't had the time..." I answer as Aqú approaches us and Rain backs away.

"You know, I was hoping I would be the one to give you hell. Seems like I actually have to back away because of some 'Master' Elemental over there..." He says, with a rather disappointed voice. He looks back at Master Elemental Storm who's growing impatient with waiting. "Get to the circle, Elemental!" I sigh deeply as Aqú turns back towards me. "I know your weapon has not been tested yet, just look at this as an experiment. If I have to interfere and say...save your life, just say the word." A serious talk? No, not at all. Assuring? I don't even know at this point.

I take those last steps towards the circle as I walk up the three steps. I catch a glimpse of Blaze in the distance with her arms in a cross. It's hard to interpret the look on her face when she only moments ago was ready to tear my head off. If she actually does want me dead, Master Elemental Storm might actually help her with it. I don't have a striking record with these duals. Mostly I've ended up against a wall. My opponent, the Master Elemental of my own element, stands ready with his own developed weapon. I activate my own, worried...knowing that it won't hold.

As much as one of the Seniors explain the rules of the dual, I have a slight feeling that Master Elemental Storm will go slightly further than what is actually allowed. I mean, after I told him what I knew, I'm sure that he and the Grand Master wants to make sure I don't speak a single word of it. Master Elemental Storm's weapon seems to be some kind of glove concentrating air around it, forming air-balls. My weapon is what would be the handle of a sword, but with no blade. My element is the blade, I hope...

Master Elemental Storm spares no moment to make his first move. There is not even a heads up because everything happens so fast. He forms this ball of air and throws it towards me with an immense force. I can't get my own weapon active in time to block it. I only end up putting my arms up in a cross to take it. It pushes me back to the edge of the circle. My arms feel like they are burning. I have to counter, or else I'll end up on the wall...again. This time though, it'll be much more painful than all the other times...combined.

"Come on, kid, stay focused. Believe in your instrument, alright, it'll hold. I may have adjusted a few components to make it more stable. Use it!" I look over at Aqú for a moment because I recognize his voice. Since when did we talk through our thoughts? He only gives me a weak nod and I turn back to Master Elemental Storm, getting ready to come at me again. I start to gather my element of air and have it whirl around my body and redirect it to my right arm. My inspiration for the weapon was stories of air so thin and concentrated, that it could cut through anything like a sword. Hopefully, it can cut through the Master Elemental's air-balls next time around.

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