~ Chapter 17 ~

390 26 10

Year: 3205

Between the Military Academy and Mars

Senior Fall/Aqú:
Nothing went as planned. We weren't supposed to be that exposed. Breeze was never supposed to try and take on the Grand Master. He's far from ready. He's not strong enough and the sooner he realizes that, the better. Rain had to step in to save Breeze's life, and as far as we know, Rain may have died doing so. I know Breeze is going to blame himself for that. Even I will blame myself for not having more control over the situation. I had no idea what was going to happen back there, and I have no idea what's going to happen to those we have left behind. We can only speculate. I just hope that Breeze doesn't speculate too much on that to make things harder for us....

I flip the autopilot-switch on as I push my seat backwards. The burns on my skin are starting to annoy me beyond what's manageable. The suit I'm wearing was specifically designed to withstand the effects of the human elements, but against the flames of the Grand Master himself, it didn't protect as well as I had hoped. I lift up a piece of my shirt to see the burns reflect on some shiny piece of metal on the board. I touch it slightly. Though it stings, I can still survive it. "I have been through worse, I suppose..." I murmur to myself as I hear somebody wake up behind me.

"What the..." Breeze lets out as I turn around and find him looking at my burns. "Oh, this?" I ask. He looks back at them before turning his eyes on me. "This is nothing. Believe me when I say, I've been through much worse than what your so-called Grand Master did here." I tell him as I walk to the back of the pod and get my chest of Martian goodies. I find the lotion I'm looking for, remove my shirt and start applying it on the burns I can get to. "This is actually the first time that he has inflicted anything on me. I'm usually lighter on my feet and never get hit." I answer as I put the shirt back on. "Where are we going?" Breeze asks, noticing that we're now in space.

"Well, considering what just happened and how we're now in my super-emergency escape-pod in case there was an actual emergency, is there really any mystery regarding where we're going?" I raise my eyebrow at him. He's still confused. "We're going home..." I tell him. "Home? Earth?" He becomes even more confused. "Oh, no, no, no...Mars. My home I should say." I answer. "It'll be a process of adaptation for you, but with the gills you'll manage just fine in that atmosphere." I explain before I walk to the front and sit down in the pilot's seat. Breeze doesn't hesitate to join me.

"What are we possibly gaining going to Mars when people we care about are stuck back there, in the same place as the Grand Master?" There it is – the dilemma. I knew he would bring it up. He's become quite a predictable human like that. Most of them are. "What we'll gain?" I turn my head towards him. "You will gain some of the abilities that I have known most of my life. You will get more elemental training and knowledge that you would've never gotten back on Earth or on that Military Academy of yours. Once you've acquired that and increased your elemental strength, we'll go back to the Moon and get all of them back...and hopefully defeat the Grand Master." I answer.

"Kid, sometimes you have to take a step back, get a view of the bigger picture in front of you and realize some key-facts: the Grand Master knows everything about you, your strengths and your weaknesses. He'll know your every move before you even make them. He knows your decision-making process." I turn my head back towards the view ahead of us. "As powerful as he may be, he doesn't know much about elements themselves, especially not ours. We have many tricks up our sleeves and some of them are easy for humans to learn. If you keep an open mind, you can learn some of them, and have the upper hand when you meet him again." I tell him as I look over at him.

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