~ Chapter 29 ~

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Year: 3205
Military Academy...

I don't have much time. The Grand Master is fully focused on Blaze, so I need to make this count. Right before the door closes behind the Grand Master, I manage to sneak in. As I get step inside and look ahead, I see that Rain is covered in even more injuries than he was just a few hours ago. "Rain." I let out quietly as I get to him. He is so weak. His entire body is covered in what would seem like one giant blister. I can barely hear him breathing, which concerns me. "Rain, it's me...it's Ember." I try once more as I see his eyelids twitch slightly. Moving his head seems to be a struggle for him, but I see some tendencies. "Come on, Rain, say something...anything. I'll take you grunting just to let me know that you are alive." I try once more before he finally manages to lift his head and open his eyes.

"You...need...to...get out...of here." He is really struggling for breath. I shake my head as I look at him. "No, no that's not going to happen." I gently put one hand on his burned cheek. "We are going to get out of here. You, me, and Blaze. She's acting as a distraction just outside the door, but we need to move because there is only so much she can do." I try to grab his arm and offer him support, but he seems to fight me on it. "Ember..." He has to stop for a breath. "...there's no...use. Get...out of...here." He goes on stubbornly. I sigh deeply while shaking my head. "Rain...Rain, you need to listen these words of mine, okay?" Something seems to be forcing its way through my eyes, but I wipe it off instantly. "I am not going to leave you. I'd rather die than leave you behind..."

I think I catch signs of a smile forming on his face. He closes his eyes for a bit before he looks right at me. This poor boy of mine, he is so weak. I will have a problem getting him mobile, but all of those thoughts just evaporate the moment I look into those sweet eyes of his. "I love you too..." He manages to blurt out in one, solid breath. I feel a bit caught off guard. I want to say it back, I even open my mouth to do so, but the noise behind me grows louder and louder. I cannot overpower it even if I am right in front of him. "Come on...let's go." Rain lets me help him up. He groans to himself, and it hurts me to hear him in pain, but I try my best to ignore it. When I get to the door and it opens, I see Master Elemental Storm knocked out on the ground. The Grand Master seems to evenly match Blaze as he knocks her out and force her up against the wall.

"It is a shame it has to go down like this, Blaze. I saw great potential in you." I hear him say. Blaze is struggling for breath as he holds her tightly against the wall. She looks exhausted. As I just stand there, I sense Rain relieve me of his weight. I look over at him. "Help...her..." He manages to say. He struggles, but he manages to stand on his own. I see the Grand Master about to use something on Blaze, but I throw a fire-ball at him to get his attention. He lets go of Blaze who slides to the ground and holds around her throat. "Elemental Ember...you disappoint me. You have quite a future ahead of you." He says as he activates his own element. "Is that dead...or alive?" I ask as I catch glimpses of Blaze getting up on her feet.

"Alive, of course. You have powers that are more powerful than I expected...and far greater than you can ever hope to control on your own." He answers. I shake my head defiantly. "I think I'll take my chances somewhere else." I answer right before I cast a giant flame at him. He deflects it, not with ease, but still. I almost hit Blaze, but she manages to avoid it before casting a glance at me. At first, I think it's because I nearly hit her, but afterwards, she gives me a weak nod as she prepares herself. There is a mutual agreement between the two of us to attack him at the same time. The Grand Master notices our looks. He manages to return the fire against both of us at the same time, but then he suddenly disappears, and our flames fight each other. Before any of us can realize that, the Grand Master attacks her with full force.

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