~ Chapter 10 ~

615 44 10

Year: 3205
The Military Academy

After having had that rather adjusting and eye-opening conversation with Aqú, I arrive back at the dorms I share with Blaze and everybody else. I find myself turning my head around and around to see if I can find her. I need to talk to her, finish clearing the air like we were in good progress of doing before the Master Storm found us. The Grand Master has already started to manipulate her. In a matter of time she won't be able to tell truth from lies. No matter how stupid the Grand Master makes me seem, I need to convince Blaze that I am on her side, not the Grand Master. I need her to know that we are still partners.

I never got the chance to talk to her that night. I fell asleep without ever seeing her come back. I woke up the next morning and she was still gone. I'm sitting by one of the big breakfast tables with my brother Rain and I still don't see her. Even Rain is turning suspicious about it because he hasn't seen Ember either. "I'm starting to wonder what the girls are up to." Rain lets out as I snap out of my thoughts. I suddenly notice that I haven't taken a single bite of my food because for some reason, I have the feeling that if I see Blaze, she will tell me some creative story on how I've been lying to her for these last couple of months. I know her well enough to know that she wouldn't disappear like this unless she wanted to avoid me.

"She never came back last night..." I let out after a while. "...I noticed her bed was the same as the day before. Remember I told you the Grand Master had her?" I ask my brother rather discretely. After all, we are sitting in an intensely crowded room with other Elementals and I don't trust a single one of them. Rain simply nods his head. "He's gotten into her head, further than he's ever been, I'm sure of it. She wouldn't avoid us like this if he wasn't." "How can you even be sure of that?" He asks. "It's her nature, Rain. If she wasn't onto me telling her lies, she'd be here all over my face about keeping something from her. The Grand Master has told her something and I don't like the idea of what that might...be..."

I suddenly catch sight of her and Ember, but they're keeping their eyes on everybody but me and Rain. It's almost as if they're deliberately looking away from us. They are both trying to ignore us. It's too obvious. I turn silent and Rain turns his head in the direction I'm looking. "They're trying really hard to ignore us...or rather you." Rain says. He makes a valuable point at that. I'm the one at the center of this. "What are you going to do about it?" He then asks me. It's pretty much the same question that I am asking myself. I need to talk to her, but it's obvious that she doesn't want to have a single word with me. I don't answer as I get up on my feet.

"Breeze..." I hear from my brother, but I keep walking. After a moment, I turn around to see that Blaze has reacted to my name. I try not to react to the look she's giving me as I turn around, but I end up doing so anyway before I start making my way down the hallway leading to the training-facilities. I don't get far before I hear rapid footsteps behind me. I don't even get to turn around before she grabs my arms and pushes me into one of the side-hallways. "Blaze..." I know it's her. Looking at her face, I can tell she's hurt...more to the point, angry. I'm only going to be lucky if she doesn't burn me up.

"Don't be scared, 'partner'..." She lets out rather discrete as people are walking by us. Because of the darkness in the hallway, people hardly see us. They don't even seem to care, but then again it's not like I'm gonna call for help either. "Blaze, whatever the Grand Master told you, you can't trust him. I would never do anything to hurt you..." No matter how many times I may say it, my conviction is lacking and I know it. "Oh, is that so? The Grand Master, a liar? He was the only one who told me about Senior Pool being dead!" She barks back at me as she ignites a fireball in her hand and places it up in my face. "I was trying to figure out what truly happened to him, Blaze..."

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