~ Chapter 27 ~

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Year: 3205
Military Academy

Grand Master Vulcano:
"There he is, Grand Master Vulcano. I have to say, it's an honor to receive your attention again. It's been too long." He greets me overly confident. He's standing on his feet, though very unsteady. There is a rise in confidence from the last time we met when he was rather defensive in regard to his brother being alive or dead. "I wish that to be the words of any Elemental meeting with me, but I am getting a more sarcastic tone from you, Rain." I answer as I stand my ground for a moment and observe him. "Does your body just heal fast, Elemental? I know for a fact that when I left, you had some pretty nasty bruises on your face and upper-body." I walk closer and stand only a few inches from him. How he manages to stand is beyond me, but it is about the only thing that impresses me at the moment.

"You probably missed a few spots, Grand Master. The doctor came by not too long ago to tend to some of my wounds, help me suffer a little less." He answers. I smile at him because he could have told me the most elaborate tale, and I still would've known that it was a lie. "No, that is not the truth, Elemental. No doctor has been by your sector since I left you, that I know for a fact. You have a dear friend helping you, Elemental." I grab him by his uniform and make him feel my breath on his skin. "Tell me, Elemental, how was it to kiss your so-called savior? It must've been quite a strange sensation for you considering those kinds of affections are prohibited." I can see him turning insecure. "Don't play dumb with me, we both knew who this person is." I make sure to add.

"She is quite resourceful – Elemental Ember. She's both resourceful and strong...much stronger than I thought before I saw her results from training." I start. He seems to be a little more on the intimidated side now. "It doesn't matter what happens, she will not need your protecting, au contraire, you'll need to be protected from her if you ever live that long." I add. He manages to produce a small smile. "You don't scare me, Grand Master. Whatever it is you do to me, you will not get away with it." I turn thoughtful for a brief moment. In a rapid movement, I throw him several meters away from me before I ignite my element in my hands. He looks at me surprised. "How-" He mutters before I throw a set of flames on him, which he can't deflect.

"Oh, right, this is a neutral zone, sort of. It depends on the level of the Elemental. You can't use your element in here because you're not strong enough, but I can, and believe me when I say, you are not going to survive the next set of ordeals that are about to occur." I warn him. I see he is gritting his teeth to avoid making any whimpering sounds. "You shouldn't be too alarmed about not surviving. You'll be 'free' if anything. You're not the one that I want or need, but you can help me get her." I see that he finally realizes what my goal really is. I see the fear in his eyes evolve rapidly. "I am not going to help you...not matter what you do to me..." He answers with evident disgust in his voice.

"Whether you want to help me or not is hardly relevant, but you should save your breaths now, Elemental Rain. It's hard to tell how many you have left." I answer as I ignite a fireball in my hand. He braces himself for the heat that is about to come his way. I throw a few of them at him. I can hear the scream he's holding back. I know what he's doing, withholding the scream, but at some point, he will fail. I walk closer to him. He is shaking violently. The burns are far more severe, like holes in his skin. And then, out of nothing he launches at me, hitting my jaw with an impressive force. I push him off me as I take to my chin. "You should also save your strength, Elemental. You're weak enough as it is." I let out before I sense something happening just outside the door.

"So the Grand Master and Master Elemental Storm knew that your sister was ill, but they deliberately did nothing?" Ember asks in shock. I nod my head still feeling that rage underneath my skin. I don't know how to compose myself the next time I come face to face with the Grand Master. I can't stay hidden in this place, I need to get away. "Yeah...they knew, and they let her die because the Grand Master thought it would be for the greater good if she wasn't around to be a priority to me. I know for sure I would have done everything to protect her over completing any mission." I answer. Ember nods and stays quiet for a moment. She looks at me curiously for some reason.

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