~ Chapter 16 ~

819 30 15

Year: 3205
The Military Academy

As Blaze's flames continue to burn Aqú, I activate my sword-handle without much thought and sense my element give me the power I need. Before Rain and Ember can stop me I throw a weak wind-punch to get all the attention on me. As the Grand Master turns his head towards me, not looking too happy, Blaze's flames suddenly turn towards me. I use my wind-sword and with one powerful slice, I cut through them. It causes Blaze to stop as the Grand Master just looks at me. For some reason I get the feeling that he is happy I'm finally making my move. It's almost like he's been waiting for me to appear. He wants to get rid of me and Aqú...this is his chance.

"I was wondering when you would make your move, Elemental. I knew you wanted to protect your Martian friend if I ever tried to do something to him." He starts. I try not to give him the attention that he wants. He wants me to look at him and let his every word deprive me of any motivation that I have. I keep my eyes on Blaze. I try to gain her attention, to reach my friend that I know is in there somewhere. The only thing I see however, are eyes as red as an inferno. It's only a matter of time before it will be unleashed by the Grand Master. "You can't reach her, Elemental. She's under my control now, which is another way of saying long gone. For as long as she is of good use for me, she will continue to be." I tighten the grip around my sword-handle as I look over at her.

"She might be under your control now, but you will get what's coming for you. I'm going to make sure of it." I answer coolly. He only laughs at my response. "You have some misplaced courage, Elemental. Maybe you are right or maybe you're wrong...I am however fairly sure that you won't be the one standing in my way." He answers before he suddenly throws his flames at me. I use the sword to try and cut through his flames again, but the intensity is far stronger this time. Just before I counter the flames, a big water cannon gets in the way and subdues them. When I turn my head to my right, I see my brother standing next to me, nodding at me weakly.

"His courage is far from misplaced, Grand Master. To be honest, it's right where it's supposed to be, and he's not alone." Rain answers. I take a deep breath of relief before I look over at Aqú who's working on getting back on his feet. "The brothers...I always thought sending you both here at the same time would make things complicated." Grand Master says. "It wouldn't have needed to be complicated. It's just the way it goes when the leader is a fraud." Rain answers back arrogantly. I worry when I look at him next. Now he has to get out of here with me and Aqú. Perhaps even Ember will have to join us...even though I haven't seen for the last few minutes.

"I don't really have to speak to let you know that those will be some of your last words to me, Elemental." The Grand Master goes on. "You could take that as my famous last words." My brother teases further. He's much bolder than I am in terms of the words he uses. The Grand Master seems to enjoy it at some sadistic level. "You do remind me of somebody that I used to know a long time ago. Both of you do actually. Like the two of you, we were a team. One had the arrogance and big mouth, while the other was more careful." My brother and I look at each other curiously. "You both knew him..."

I turn my head immediately back towards the Grand Master. The way he speaks about his previous partner triggers something in me. There is only one person that comes to mind and feels so obvious. Senior Pool never talked about a brother, or a partner for that matter, but Blaze and I always had a shady feeling about the connection between him and the Grand Master. I never imagined it could be this kind of connection, but now...it's the only thing that makes sense. "Senior Pool...he was your brother...." I let out as I realize it. He nods confirming, without a shade of regret. "...and you had him killed!" I add with a more aggressive tone as my emotions are about to take control.

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