Chapter 18-20

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It has been a long time since no one has said "good night" to Wei Qingyu, and no one has been so kind to Wei Qingyu for a long time.

Ji Xiaoyin was uncertain, arrogant and arrogant. Wei Qingyu was the first person to put her into **** after falling into the trough of life, but he was also the first person to reach out to her.

What kind of person is Ji Xiao now?

This time, Wei Qingyu put a question mark in his heart.

The day before the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, Liu Meina and Director Liu's treatment came down.

Liu Meina was detained for probation and punishment, and Ji Qingyun was pressed, and the Liu family could not do anything about it. This stain will be printed on Liu Meina's archives forever. As a useless abandoned son of Liu Meina's mother, Director Liu was dismissed from the school for investigation and expelled from the teaching team forever.

The morning sun shines through the long and narrow floor-to-ceiling windows, shining brightly and tenderly into the room.

Ji Xiao sat at the dining table and looked at the phone, with long legs on the table legs to let the front legs of the chair hang in the air, a whole cynical eldest lady.

She was still reading the bulletin on the school's official website yesterday, her oblate eyes smiling crookedly.

Such a delightful thing, no matter if you read it several times, you won't get bored.

At this time, the sound of footsteps came from the stairwell not far away.

Wei Qingyu wore a light blue dress and walked downstairs.

Her long jet black hair hung smoothly and shinyly on her chest, and a small silver brooch dazzledly appeared under the black hair.

She was still expressionless, her fine eyelashes drooping, covering her turquoise pupils, unable to distinguish her expression.

Wei Qingyu has almost no sense of presence in this home, and Aunt Wu doesn't even care when she sees her continue to do her work.

Ji Xiao found that she was carrying a bag on her shoulder, as if she was going out.

"Hey, Mid-Autumn Festival, where are you going?" Ji Xiao leaned back in the chair, looking at Wei Qingyu who had skipped him.

"Sweep the grave." Wei Qingyu replied lightly.

Ji Xiao was taken aback, and then he said "Oh".

She seemed to remember that the book said that Wei Qingyu never missed the Mid-Autumn Festival because her mother's birthday on the lunar calendar was on the Mid-Autumn Festival.

This year is the first year that Wei Qingyu's mother died, and it is also the first time that she has visited her mother's grave for her birthday.

The Mid-Autumn Festival was originally a day for family reunion, but Wei Qingyu had to go to the icy tombstone to pay homage to his parents. He felt sore after thinking about it.

The cemeteries in City A are all in the suburbs. Although it takes more than ten minutes to drive on the highway, if you want to get there from the city center, you have to go around and reverse.

This is a big holiday, it would be nice if Wei Qingyu could be there at noon.

Ji Xiao rubbed his nose lightly and waved: "I am in a good mood today. I will ask the driver to take you there."

Wei Qingyu's shoe-changing action was startled, and then she changed another shoe without a trace, and coldly refused: "No need."

Ji Xiao knew that Wei Qingyu wanted to say this, and was used to Wei Qingyu's attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away.

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