Wicked Games

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Marissa's POV

Janaury 2,2011

I walked out with Marshall my bags in hand. The kids by my side and as soon as stopped in front we had tears in our eyes. "I'm going to be home one day every week okay." I said kissing my children on the cheek then hugging them. "Now go inside it's cold and rainy." I said looking Marshall in his eyes. He put the umbrella under us and looked me deep in the eyes. "I love you." I said kissing him. "You make me feel hella warm inside." He said hugging me tightly. "YO! MAR MAR C'MON WE GOTTA GO!" Leonardo and his girlfriend screamed laughing. "Hug them for me and I LOVE YOU GUYS!" I said as the bus pulled off. I walked to my bunk setting my stuff under the bed. I took off my shirt and heard Leo and his girl arguing. "YOU KNOW WHAT I'M NOT ARGUING JUST GET UP OFF THIS BUS!" His voice scarying me. I hurried put on my dress and walked into the front. His girl was gathering her stuff and shouting insults at the usually calm Leo. "FUCK YOU BOTH AND HAVE A GOOD DAY!" She said walking to the door on the bus. I wasn't to stay anything but, how dumb is she to open the door and expect not to roll down the hill? Leo closed the door and walked to the shower. I pinned my hair in a bun laid in my bunk. Us being the only two on the bus and being exes didn't seem to bother us. It couldn't bother us. We were 15. I walked to the 'kitchen' and there he was in his boxers and his muscles showing. "Hey gorgeous." He said looking at me. I felt my cheeks redden. "Hi." I said sitting at the table. He sat across from me. "So I have a big present for you." He said handing me a box. "It's the Christmas present you asked for when we were 15. I opened the box and there a dark blue limited edition of the Beastie Boys signed T-Shirt was in a frame. "OH MY GOD!" I screamed excitement filled my lungs! I hopped over the table and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks Bubba." I said putting it with my stuff. I looked at my wedding ring and wondered if I should tell Marshall. Naw he'd freak out and demand me to come home.

September 1,2011

We were on the plane and I was looking out into the sky.

I was sitting on the plane with Leo and looking out the window. Everything seemed gray and everything that was said on that phone call was dreaded. "Mari, he doesn't hate you he's just upset." Leo said rubbing my back. "I know but, what if I get home and everything changes. My kids need both of us but, he used my children against me Leo and that's is something other than rage." I looked at the tears in my notebook."It's okay I'll drive you straight home." He said as the plane landed. "Thank you." Since we traveled light we went straight to the car. He opened the door for me and we talked the whole way to my house. "Talk to you later Mar Mar." He said taking off down the road. I walked into the house. It was empty. No little people, no Marshall, just me and this house. I called Marshall and I was sent straight to voicemail. I wondered where he was with my children. I walked upstairs and collapsed on the bed. I felt the tears stain my cheeks and myself breaking down. He was not taking my kids from me. I don't care how famous we are I will get arrested before he takes them. I crawled out of bed and unpacked my stuff. I walked downstairs and started cooking dinner. I heard my kids walk in the house. "Daddy, is Kim here?" "No, Eric I don't know who is though." He said and as I turned around he walked in the kitchen. "MARISSA!" He screamed running in my arms. I felt my tears fall on his shirt. "Did you mean what you said?" I asked before the kids could run in. "No, babe I was just mad and I'm sorry babe." He said kissing me lightly. "I can't fight much longer." I said crying more and more. He rubbed my back and warmed me up. "I'm here." His voice softening like he did with the kids. He broke me, he knew me so long he knew what could break me. I wiped my tears with my hand and grabbed plates and made everyone's plate but, my own and dragged myself to bed. My blond hair out of control as I laid completly still. I became the bed and I didn't feel anything. I didn't see anyone at my side so, why not drink this pain away. I grabbed my keys and noticed it was raining. I walked to my car I drove to the nearest liquor store and brought a beer and drove to a lake I used to go when I was heart broken. I gulped the drink down and breathed. I loved the feeling. I drink like it was my last. I loved it. It's my life something I choose to suffer through. I drove back home when the beer had settled in my stomach and the guilt was gone. Why did I let him do it? I lost myself trying to keep a family together. My kids are used to the fighting and I don't want this. I need him just it's to much to think about. I slithered on the bed and laid down. I wrapped my arm around Marshall who was sleeping so peacefully. I closed my eyes and fell asleep crying silently.

Marshall's POV

I woke up and she was laid out against my chest. I slipped out of bed and walked down stairs. I thought about our conversation yesterday. She wasn't supposed to be home for a week so, I knew I hurt her bad.


Marissa's POV

I was sitting on the bunk and Marshall called. Leo sat with me.


"Did you fuck him?"


"Him. Leonardo Dicaprio."


"Don't lie to me!"

"Why are you yelling?"

"Why are you lying. If you cheated I'm taking the kids and you'll never see them again."


"What? You're a bad mother anyways."

"I'm a bad mother. Who gave you the right to judge Mr. I-overdosed-and-cheated on my wife with my ex? You dumbass I'm the best thing for them kids."

Marshall's POV

After a shouting match with her and me saying the most fucked up thing I'm not going to repeat her voice cracked and she sniffled before hanging up.

End flashback

"Marshall, you don't even know my mother or how she died." Marissa came down her hair messy and make up smeared under her eyes. "I'm sorry I said that." "I'll tell you the story but, you know how much I'm pissed. Now, I woke up and my mom and I were tied up......"

When she finished I was in tears myself. How can someone so pretty be surrounded by evil and not become it. She walked to the sink and wiped her eyes with a wet cloth taking a deep breath before our kids woke up. Eric and Selene were singing as they came down. The babies had a cold and weren't complaining. She picked Eric up and kissed his cheek. I know she did something that she didn't wanna say by the way she came down stairs this morning. I knew I fucked up.

Longer chapter because, well I was having one of those days so here.

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