Chapter 1

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I gingerly placed the small first aid kit bag, the rope, helmet, gloves, nuts, boots and cams on the counter in front of the very bewildered Karl.

"You really going for this, Kid?" He asked incredulously, " I mean, the weather doesn't seem to promising."

"Karl," I whined," I just need a break you know. I need some time to myself and this is it. Besides, I checked and the weather forecast said it wouldn't rain until 6pm and it's only 2pm. I have time." I reassured.

"If you're sure," Karl simply sighed," Is this all? Where's the water, thermos and food?" He quirked an eyebrow.

"Don't worry Karl, I have everything else ready for me in the car." I said pointing in the direction of the entrance.

"Alright then." He shrugged, running all my new equipment through the scanner and putting them in a thick, plastic bag.

I have known Karl since I started rock climbing six years ago and most times than none, he worries about me like a mother would her child evertytime I go climbing because I always go solo. He's just a huge softie with a heart of gold.

When I saw him scan the last item, I wordlessly gave him my card which he tapped on the card machine before handing both items for me so I could punch in my code. I wordlessly handed it back to him so he could print out the slip which he did and handed it to me along with the plastic.

"Be careful up there, Annabelle," He sighed," I heard that the rocks up there can be very slippery during rainy days especially on the North which is why I would recommend that you just avoid the North entirely."

"I'll be okay, Karl." I reassuringly smiled.

"I'm serious, Annabelle. No North, rather go towards the East. It still gives you the same experience." He chastised while folding his hands to his chest and leaning against the wall.

"I'll be back before it rains, so everything will be okay," I shook my head as I grabbed the plastic and started towards the door,"See you later." I waved, just to receive a small wave in response.

"Be careful." He sternly said.

"No enjoy this time?" I teased.

"I'm not joking, Annabelle," He groaned, running his hand through his graying hair," Just be careful, Squirt."

"I will." I responded as I pushed open the door.

"And no going towards the North!" He called out after me while pushing himself away from the wall.

"No promises!" I cheerfully smiled at him before slipping out of the store to avoid spending more time with in there.

I've been climbing on the North side ever since I could properly rock climb so I know was pretty comfortable with it. I have a path I always use and as far as I know, it's not extremely rocky so I should be fine, besides, I planned on being back way before it started pouring.

A smile graced my lips in excitement as I looked up at the partially cloudy sky that promised rain later in the evening, but for now, it promised me enough time to climb and I wasn't going to waste that time when I needed the relief.

I climbed into my car and began the short drive over to the park at the foot of the mountain.

I parked my car under one of the shelters and then I took my rope bag making sure to only put in the necessary things and then I took my new mini First aid kit with me. With that all done I began on my five minute up the path that led to the climbing site. The site was a pretty old site, it was long and steep and what kept me coming here besides all the scenery was the fact that I had still not managed to get to the top yet, even after a year of trying but today I felt confident.

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