Chapter 9

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I woke up with my body splayed across Blake's with his arm loosely draped over my waist. Tingles lit up my entire body and butterflies settled into my stomach as I took in our interesting position. I slowly tried, keyword being tried to pry myself away from Blake only for his arm to tighten around my waist.

"Two minutes." Blake uttered with his eyes still shut making me jump a little in surprise but I settled in and instead decided to admire the man that lay below me. His long eyelashes softly caressed his cheeks, his features looked firm and and smooth, his lips were a dark pink colour, with some cracks here and there but nothing a little moisturizing couldn't help. His skin seemed like it had gained a bit more colour since two days ago, which just increased his physical appeal.

My fingers tingled with the urge to trail them over his features, just so that I could explore every bump, creek and crane of Blake's features. It was so weird how comfortable I felt laying ontop of the man that laid unmoving beneath me. Was this what people called chemistry? Is everything that I'm feeling due to the power of chemistry, if so how far would it take us. Did I want to explore this whole chemistry thing between Blake and I. Was it even possible considering the different worlds that Blake and I were in and from. The biggest question that rang through my head was whether Blake felt the same things that I felt for him?

"What are you thinking about?" I heard Blake's groggy, morning voice croak so I looked up at him to find his eyes still closed.

"Nothing." I softly said trying to move off of him, only for Blake to tighten his arm around me, keeping me in place.

"You're not a very good liar." He softly said before he pried his eyes open, making my eyes instantly meet his.

"What makes you think that I'm lying?" I asked unconsciously tracing my finger down Blake's jawline, feeling the light trace of stubble that was layered there.

"Your voice." He plainly said keeping his gaze fixated on me.

"I find that hard to believe." I replied with a ghost of a smile spreading across my face, "Does it sound different or...?"

"It has a certain edge to it, one that indicates that you are being dishonest." He explained.

"Should we try out that theory and see if it's true?" I asked.

"Mmm, trying  to escape from the original question by proposing something that could also be very interesting," He said with a smile of amusement, "My oh my, what shall I do?"

"Choose the more interesting of the two." I said hoping that he would choose to try out the theory.

"Alright, what was on your mind?" He asked choosing to stick to his original question.

"So persistent." I muttered placing my forehead on his chest to show how defeated I felt and this seemed to be amusing to Blake because he began chuckling.

"Blake, how are you feeling today?" I asked looking up at his face and took note of his mouth that was opened in an O shape to show the disbelief that he was feeling at my question.

"Another attempt of changing the question."He said with a raised eyebrow.

"Why not," I said, "Anyway two minutes passed a long time ago so I better start moving now." I continued as I began wiggling myself out of Blake's hold and stretched my body before I went to the bag that Killian had brought and opened the exterior zip where he had packed some hygene things for me.

"It stopped raining." Blake suddenly said out of nowhere making me look out the rusty window to see a ray of light peaking in, trying to brighten up the cabin.

"I didn't even notice. It's great." I said a smile lighting up my face.

Blake responded with a hum, a nod and a faltering smile.

"You okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine." He simply said pulling up a more stable smile as he tried to reassure me.

I nodded before I went outside and was met by the moist air and oxygen that surrounded the area. I couldn't help but to greedily take in a deep breathe letting it soothe me. The air felt so light and dare I say it smelled so clean as well and this was a result and the after effects of the rain that we had previously experienced. The sun was gently and warmly lighting up the place as a number of clouds were littered all across the sky, a beautiful sight to behold as I looked up at the tall trees that tried to touch the too far sky. I could have stayed out here just enjoying the scenario and enjoy the light breezes of air that gently caressed my face but I couldn't so I did what I had initially come out here to do and quickly freshened up by brushing my teeth and rinsing my hands before I walked back into the cabin and made my way over to the pot as my stomach growled in hunger. 

The pot was still pretty filled with the soup Killian had made for dinner last night. I fixed up two bowls of soup and gave one to Blake who took it and placed it down making me feel confused, wasn't he hungry.

"I just want to brush my teeth first." He said making me nod in understanding as I went over to pull out a little bucket from underneath his bed which I really hope was clean and then I gave it to him so that he could spit in it when he was done.

After both of us had brushed our teeth we began digging into our food until not a single drop of soup was left.

"So what would you like to do today?" I asked.

"I would say go outside just for some fresh air but that would require me to walk meaning that I would have to potentially injure myself while walking." Blake explained gesturing to his still healing ankle and newly stitched up thigh.

"I would bring the outside to you if I could." I said feeling bad for him.

"That's very kind of you, thank you." He said smiling with appreciation, "Could you please do me a favour?"

"I don't see why not, what do you need?" I asked titling my head to the side in curiosity.

"Could you please make me some tea, I have some chamomile dried leaves in the cabinet and I find that I miss the particular taste of chamomile." He explained making me continuously blink my eyes at him in a bit of disbelief.

For some reason I always felt skeptical about things that were grown anywhere but a personal garden and the stores. The soil out here could easily be too acidic or it might have parasites or insects that damage the food or the plants making them highly poisonous.

"What?" Blake asked with his head cocked to the side, making him look cute and dare I say innocent.

"Oh, nothing. I'll get you tea ready soon." I said with a wavering smile. There was no way that I was going to push my skeptic thoughts unto him. For him to still be alive must mean that he has been drinking his chamomile tea for quite sometime yet and it has had no negative affects on him plus he has Killian and I doubt that he would let Blake drink anything that was poisonous or unhealthy.

"You're going to make brushing me off a habit I see." Blake said.

"I guess so." I said brushing him off and making my way to the cabinet which held a glass container which held dry looking leaves of chamomile, "So, how do you make this exactly?" I asked feeling a little stupid when I saw Blake's eyes widen in surprise.

"The same way that you would make any type of other tea I suppose, just had five teaspoons of chamomile. I also have some mint leaves in the cabinet, so you can add three of those in the cup as well." He instructed.

"Okay, and then should I allow it to steep?" I asked.

"Yes, then you let it steep for about three minutes and then it should be ready. You should make a cup for yourself as well if you want to, there is more than enough for the both of us." Blake said with a smile of encouragement, "Trust me you won't regret it."

"Okay. I'll make us both a cup." I said feeling curious because I had always wanted to try out chamomile, sure I thought that when I did it would be in a teabag but I guess this couldn't hurt, maybe I would even enjoy this one even more than the teabag one, it was more natural and hopefully it would be just as packed with flavour.

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