Chapter 2

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I rushed over and all but threw myself onto the wet muddy ground next to what seemed like a heavily injured man.

"Are you okay?" I panickly asked as I felt an upcoming dizziness when I look at the red liquid that covered the slightly pale looking pain struck man as he gripped onto his bleeding leg with pain covering his whole face.

"P-please help." He weakly croaked out with pleading eyes and clenched teeth.

"Oh my goodness, what do I have to do?" I panicked, the sight of blood making me feel dizzy and nauseous. Turning away from the man I took a quick couple of deep breaths and tried to collect myself before I turned around towards the man who was taking in almost shallow rugged breaths probably from all the pain the he was going through.

Removing the guy's hand I noticed a gash from his punctured pants, and it looked pretty deep as more blood oozed out from the wound. I raised my hands wanting to do something, but not knowing what to do or where to start. I never did well with blood and pretty much tried to avoid things and even TV shows with blood whenever I could and now it seemed like all of that was going to cost me as I looked at the injured man.

"You n-need t-to tie it." The man stuttered out.

I was about to ask him what he meant when it came to me. I reached out behind me and unclipped the First Aid Kit from the harness that I was still wearing. I opened it up and took out two bandages. I took one of the bandages and tightly wrapped it around the wound and then I tightened the other one on it as well to try and stop the bleeding. The man released a moan of pain but tried his best to keep himself still.

"I hope that this will help a bit. We have to find some shelter." I said as I looked at the wound and noticed that it wasn't bleeding as much as before now. "Can you stand?"

"I k-know a p-place that w-we c-could go to, but I s-sprained my a-ankle d-during my fall so it m-might take some time to get there." The man grunted out with a hiss as he tried to pull himself up so rushing over I tried to help balance him.

"I'll give you as much support as I can. " I said wrapping my arm around his waist as he wrapped his around mine. "Lead the way." I said just as a string of lightning lit up the dark sky.

"This way." He said with a wince as he tried to walk without putting too much pressure on his ankle.

I let him hold onto me as we maneuvered our way through the tall trees until we reached a waterfall that had a steady stream at the bottom.

"This way." The man said guiding us towards a clustered set of trees. Hesitation threatened to cling onto me as I thought of the possibility of snakes or spiders or any other dangerous animals that could be lurking in the cluster. Swallowing down my fear I walked with the man and maneuvered us through the thick bushes and clustered trees until we reached a sort of small clearing, where I could spot a small old looking cabin that was comfortably nestled in between the trees.

We walked over to the wooden cabin and pushed the door open. The inside looked better than the outside, it was an open spaced cabin with a bed located at the far end at the corner of the cabin and fireplace located by the center of wall. There was some cabinets on the wall probably for food and maybe even pots on another corner of the cabin. There was a small wooden table with two wooden chairs located near the fireplace and from what I could see there was no toilet, but the was a large steel dish that was probably used for bathing. I stopped my inspection of the cabin and focused my attention on the man that had remained quiet ever since we got in here.

"Do you live here?" I softly asked hoping that I wasn't offending him but letting my curiousity get the best of me.

"Yes." He replied removing himself from me and gripping onto the wooden chair near us gripping tightly onto it, probably to suppress the pain.

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