Chapter 8

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Things became a little quiet after Blake revealed his identity to me. I couldn't help but to feel a little stupid for not realizing sooner who Blake was. I was an editor meaning that I dealt with these type of stories all the time, then again there are many stories that have come and passed by me and I never really focus too much on who the people in the stories exactly are.

"The fire's burning out." I heard Blake say from next to making, immediately snapping me out of my thought process.

I put in some wood and then I took my sit by the chair that I had moved next to Blake's bed.

"I think that I'm going to get to bed now." I said standing up and walking over to the bag that held a number of things including the air mattress.

"Will you be okay over there?" He asked as he watched me pull out the air mattress and began manually pumping some air into it using the pump.

"I'll be fine." I said keeping my focus on the slowly but surely inflating mattress in front of me.

"Alright, goodnight, Annabelle." He said in a soft voice, my name gently rolling off of his tongue. Something about the way that he said my name was different, it was as if he took his time to appreciate every letter and sound that those letters made.

"Goodnight Blake," I said with a smile in his direction before I finished up with the mattress and pulled out the sleeping bag and the extra blanket, at that moment I remembered something, "You're not in any pain are you?" I asked as I turned around to face Blake.

Shaking his head he replied, "Killian gave me some medication so all I'm feeling is just some slight discomfort."

"That's good then, you'll call out to me if you need anything then." I said as I got into the comfy sleeping bag, I then threw the blanket over the sleeping bag before I let myself fully sink into the sleeping bag and got comfortable as it began warming up my body. It didn't take long for the exhaustion mixed with comfortability to kick in paving a way for sleep to grasp me into its more than welcome palms and just like that I was out like a light.


I was woken up by the sound of a silent hiss of pain close by me. I opened my eyes to find a upstraight standing Blake, making me shoot upwards from my sleeping position causing a bit of dizziness to form from my sudden and quick upwards position.

"Blake what are you doing?" I groggily asked getting up from the mattress and getting out of the sleeping bag so I could make my way over to Blake in large strides and helped to balance him so that some of his body weight would be on me rather than his injured ankle.

"Getting some wood into the fireplace." He stated as if it was the most obvious of reasons for him to be standing.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" I asked with confusion and a bit of concern, "Are you in pain, are you hungry, what's wrong?"

"I'm okay, I just couldn't sleep is all." He plainly said with his eyes now glued to the wooden floor beneath our feet as his eyes avoided meeting mine.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I softly asked and watched as he brought his eyes upwards to meet mine and gave me a small but gorgeous smile.

"No, it's okay. It's nothing important." He dismissed making me frown at his reply, how could it be nothing important if it was preventing him from falling asleep.

"Okay then I'll stay up with you until you fall asleep." I said without even a second thought as I tried to lead him back to his bed but he didn't seem to want to because he refused to budge.

"You don't have to." He said sounding surprised by my offer, when I looked up to respond to him I found his eyes already looking at me as if I was some sort of puzzle to him that didn't make sense.

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