Chapter 11

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"So Missy I'm going back down the day after tomorrow, do you want to tag along?" Killian asked from where we sat by the table that was a couple of feet away from Blake's bed. Killian's question instantly grabbing Blake's attention who's face turned to face me.

"I think so," I cleared my throat before I answered as I tried to ignore Blake's burning stare, "There are things that I need to take care of back home."

"Sounds good with me, we can leave in the morning." Killian replied throwing an almost unnoticeable gaze at Blake before he turned his attention back to me.

"That's fine." I replied.

"I actually brought us some food, but I couldn't carry everything with me so I left it back at my cabin," Killian said standing up from his seat and walking over to the door, "Be back in a minutes and while I'm gone please don't do anything that I wouldn't do."

I watched as Killian exited out the door leaving Blake and I alone.

"Please don't go." Were the first words that Blake silently uttered.

"I have to Blake." I said my heart breaking at how sad and vulnerable he sounded as I took the chair and moved it over to Blake's bed bed that I was sat near him.

"Why?" He asked looking me with sad eyes.

"I have to get back to work and there are things that I have to go and take care off." I explained.

"You're right, your life is down there, with your loved ones and maybe even your special someone." He said with a sad smile.

"I don't have a special someone, I've said this before." I said not knowing why he insisted on saying that I had someone that I wanted to go back to.

"I still say that I find that hard to believe and you know the saying if it's too good to be true, then it probably is not true." He said convinced that I was lying to him.

"I give up, nothing will change your mind." I said with a sigh, feeling defeated.

"Giving up does not suite you." He said.

"You don't say." I mumbled letting silence lapse over us, that was until Killian came in looking like he had won a jackpot.

"I'm back and I brought us food. Did I miss anything while I was gone?" He asked looking between Blake and I before his mouth fell into frown, "I clearly haven't."

"I thought that you would be happy that you didn't miss anything." I said titling my head a little to the side in question.

"Any other time I would be but not today." He said before he pulled over a chair and sat next to me and Blake. He opened up the large lunch tin in his hand to reveal divine looking burgers and chips which looked cool but I was certain that they'd still taste great.

"Looks great Killian." I said with my mouth already watering inside as my stomach let out a growl of approval.

"Let's dig in." He said pulling out a burger for himself and taking a large bite and I followed suite and wow the burger was divine, even though it was cold the taste was still one of the best.

"So cute." I heard Blake softly mumble before I felt a thumb gently swipe over the side of my lip, wiping some of the sauce that had escaped away, I looked at him as he swiped his tongue over his thump, licking away the sauce with his eyes still connected with mine, making me choke as a grain of some of the food that was still in my mouth went down the wrong pipe, causing a train of coughs to come out and tears to fill up in my eyes as my body tried to remove the enemy from the wrong pipe that it had taken.

"This definitely gives the line, 'he takes my breathe away' a new meaning." Killian said looking at me with amusement as I took in gulps of oxygen while Blake soothingly rubbed my back as he glared at Killian who wasn't even paying any attention to us.

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