Chapter 7

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"Okay I'll be back to do a check up of him in about five to seven days, and all in all I think that he'll be fine. You can uncover the bandaged and do some disinfecting after three days just for safety measures, but for now its best that everything remains covered to help the healing process. I left some pills in his drawer, if the pain really gets to him then you can give him two pills if it's nothing too intense then one should also be fine. No pills before eati..." Killian trailed on as he gave me instructions on how to take care of Blake.

One thing was for sure, I was going to be here for a bit longer than I had initially planned but I wasn't entirely complaining, Blake needed my help right now making this a way more productive way of spending my leave, it's not like I was going to go on a vacation or anything anyway.

"I've got it, I'll call if anything seems off." I said waving the phone in my hand and watched as he nodded with a sigh of relief. You could tell that Blake was important to him with how much he fussed about his wounds even though I'm sure he was confident in my abilities to take care of Blake, probably more comfortable in them than me.

"Let's just hope that the network remains stable, this place is completely unpredictable when it comes to network connectivity anyway thank you again for all that you've been doing since you got here, Missy," Killian replied with a smile of gratitude, "Take care of yourself there Blakey boy, we don't want to keep the lady away from her family and boyfriend for longer than necessary."

Blake replied with a hum that showed that he wasn't really paying any attention to the current conversation which honestly worried me, he wasn't necessarily the most talkative person alive but he wasn't such a quiet and absent person either.

"Is he okay, he's been pretty quiet for some time now?" I quietly asked Killian feeling some concern towards Blake's sudden change in mood, but Killian just shrugged his shoulders not seeming to be the least bit of worried about the entire thing.

"You can find out when you two lovebirds are left alone." Killian said with a weird chuckle that seemed to insinuate something.

"Didn't you just say that I had a family and boyfriend to get back to?" I asked with a smirk as I put an emphasis on the word boyfriend wanting to see how Killian would respond.

I watched as Killian's face fell, "I was just joking about that, Missy. Poor guy will feel heartbroken about these news."

"Which news and which poor guy?" I asked Killian feeling so confused. Was he talking about my "boyfriend".

"Oh nothing Missy, keep well and I'll see you in five days or maybe even less. The little food that I had packed for you should keep you comfortable for a little bit," Killian said throwing a quick look behind me to look at the frowning but quiet Blake, "Please take care of him, that boy has come to be like family to me."

"Will do, Killian, " I genuinely said with a smile, hoping that I could reassure Killian, "Don't worry we'll be fine."

With a nod and a smile he replied, "I'll see you soon Missy," He said pulling me into a surprising hug, "Take care Blake." He through over my shoulder to the man that laid on the bed.

And with that Killian exited out the door leaving me alone with the quiet Blake. I turned around to find him lost deep in thought.

"Blake," I called out and heard him hum in reply, "Are you okay?"

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He suddenly asked from the middle of nowhere, "Actually that's a useless question I'm sure that you do."

"No-" I started responding to his question even though I wasn't sure that he still wanted the answer but Blake cut me off and began firing question after question as if he had been holding them in for very long and now the dam had broken and out flowed the overwhelming water or questions in this case.

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