Chapter 17

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When I opened the door I was met with the faces of Blake and Killian, shock settled into my stomach as I took in the people that stood in front of me, especially the one that I had been continuously thinking about ever since I got back.

"Blake?" Was the one word or rather name that managed to escape from my lips before Blake took one large stride over to me and gently scooped my face into his palms pulling me into a surprising kiss. I stood frozen for a couple of seconds with my eyes wide open but I slowly shut them and enjoyed the kiss as Blake's lips caressed my own with such patience. He delicately kissed me at that moment, completely taking his time, but at the same time making the kiss have a sort of deep intensity. The shortest way to describe it was that it was toe curling and as surprising as it was, it was also a kiss that I knew I wanted to experience again.

"I didn't need to see this." Killian mumbled as I heard his retreating feet.

"I hope that I'm not too late." Blake said sounding a little out of breathe from the kiss as he pulled away and placed his forehead against mine, his thumb gently stroking my cheek as his warm breath brushed against my face.

"Too late for what?" I asked feeling flustered from the very unexpected kiss that I had just received as well as a little confused.

"Losing you to someone else potentially better." Blake gently said breaking my heart a little.

"Oh Blake," I said pulling him into a hug as he placed his head in between my shoulder blade and neck, "You're just in time."

"You look beautiful and comfortable." Blake said taking in my outfit as I stood, looking at him in disbelief. He was actually here in front of me looking as handsome as ever might I add.

"You look pretty great yourself," I complimented, "What are you doing here?"

"Ok-ay, I'm sure this whole conversation can happen behind closed doors." Killian said pushing us aside and walking in through the door, immediately making himself comfortable as he took a seat by couch facing the TV.

"I didn't think that I'd be seeing you again so soon Killian." I said as Blake interlinked our fingers and gently tugged me over to the couch that was adjacent to the one that Killian was sitting on.

"It couldn't be helped," He said with a large smile, "You seem to like the surprise that we decided to give you."

"I do, I'm just a little shocked at the same time is all." I admitted looking down at Blake and mine's interlocked fingers.

"Understandable, it was just yesterday when 'someone' all but reinforced the idea of not coming back here and yet here we are." Killian said placing an emphasis on the word someone as he threw a glare in Blake's direction.

"What changed your mind?" I asked with my head slightly tilted to the side in confusion, it had not even been forty eight hours yet, but here he was, the one place that he had insisted he would not find himself.

"You did. Call me selfish but I didn't like the idea of letting an amazing woman such as yourself fall into someone else's hands. Not because of my foolishness." Blake explained sounding genuine.

"So does this mean that you plan on staying here?" I asked not wanting to jump the gun just yet in case he wasn't.

"If you want me too." He softly said with a smile.

An uncontrollable smile lit up my face as I sprung into Blake's arms and wrapped my arms around him in happiness, a squeal escaping from my lips as I tightly clinged onto Blake in excitement.

I listened to the melodic laugh that escaped from Blake's lips as he wrapped his arms firmly but gently around me and pulled me down onto his lap whincing a little as I sat on his injured one. I tried to move off but he wouldn't let me, instead he pulled me over to his unjured leg even against my protests. I let out a scoff but settled down making him chuckle as he loosened his grip from around, but not enough for me to move away.

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