Chapter 16

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I closed the door of my small apartment and almost slid down it at how tired I felt, not just physically but also emotionally. It had only been fourteen hours of today, but I was feeling more than ready for it to end.

After we had climbed down the mountain I got my rope bag but left the rest of the gear because I just didn't feel like climbing upwards to collect it, just to have to climb down again. My car was untouched which made me happy, my phone was dead so I couldn't call my parents to tell them that I was on my way home. Killian drove behind me and made sure that I got home safely even though I felt more than okay and could perfectly drive myself home, it was just in the early afternoon.

He didn't stay for long if at all though, because he apparently had a couple of errands to run before he went back to check up on Blake.

After placing my rop bag away, I plugged my phone into the charger and then I went to the bathroom take a nice, much needed shower. Out of everything that I missed I had missed my shower most, as I stood under the shower head I could some of the exhaustion being flushed out by the warm, running water.

Today just had to be a movie night and I could also get myself some popcorn and maybe order takeout as well. It seemed like today could actually still be saved, all that I needed to now was to call my parents, they were probably worried sick about me even though I called them during the week to tell them that I was okay.

I would probably have to drive down to and see them tomorrow just as a form of additional reassurance for them and maybe as a way of comforting myself too with the help of my optimistic parents especially my mom who was pretty much my human diary and my best friend.

Feeling refreshed I pulled on a clean set of grey leggings and a baggy shirt that I had bought from the male's section. I was definitely choosing comfort today. When I was done dressing up I dragged myself to the kitchen and made myself some coffee only realising at the moment that the smell of the coffee wafted into my nose how much I had missed it.

This was my chance to sulk and I was going to take it because there was no way that I was going to cry about today, tomorrow.

I ordered myself some pizza and decided that while I waited for it I would call my mom because my dad was still probably still at work.

My mom gushed about how happy she was that I was safe and back home. Just like I had anticipated she insisted that I go home for dinner tomorrow and of course me, being the good daughter that I was I agreed.

"You sound so fond of this young man." Mom cooed from the video call that we were having as I told her about Blake who she seemed more than eager to meet, "I wish that I could have gotten the chance to meet him and to see what he is like myself."

"I am fond of him, which is funny if you think about the short span of time that I spent with him. I think that you would have liked him mom, both you and dad, but it sadly seems like our paths were destined to be different and apart." I replied with a sigh as I thought of Blake, hoping that he was okay especially because he was alone at the moment.

"Oh honey, It might still work out well, nothing is truly fixated in stone except for our houses and the maybe the stone itself,"Mom said as she tried to reassure me, "And time really is nothing, if it's meant to be, then its meant to be. You dad and I didn't know each other for longer in fact we sad our love you's in three days and we were just high schoolers back then but it was love at first sight so it couldn't be helped and now many years we are happily married with a beautiful and sweet daughter."

"You and dad were always meant to be together. Blake and I might not be, it seems like we're just too different. Definitely way more different than I would ever care to admit." I said with a sad smile.

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