Chapter 10

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"Come on Blake, just stay still until Killian comes to check up on you." I tried to reason with Blake who was not having anymore of this as he tried to pick himself.

"No, I'm tired of laying down here, I feel fine already and I'm sure Killian will tell you that." He whined as gave up and lay limp on the bed.

Letting out I sigh I replied, "I know you're tired of this, I just want to make sure that you're really fine. Sure your ankle looks way better, maybe even fine and your stitches looked pretty better too but I don't want to risk it and neither should you."

Blake of course didn't reply as he all but pouted, not hiding how much he disliked me at the moment.

A whole week has passed ever since the morning that I woke up in Blake's arms. That was however a one night thing because I slept on the air mattress for the nights that followed. Killian had not come back to check up on Blake and to be honest I was starting to get worried. My leave from work was on the brink of finishing seeing as how the were only four days of it left and I had not done most of the things that I had wanted to do. The rain had stopped but the clouds were always lingering around threatening to come together and to potentially create a storm, one that would trap me here for even longer, which was not the most ideal thing.

I didn't want to leave Blake, in fact I would have loved it if he decided to come down with me but I felt hesitant to ask, the reason that he was up here was potentially the same reason that was keeping him here. I could not and would not force him to come with me if he didn't want to, but now I was stuck on how to ask him to come with me without offending him.

"Annabelle." I heard Blake's voice call out to me where he instead of laid down on the bed.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"There was a knock on the door." He said looking at me with concern.

"Oh, really?" I said still sounding a little out of it as I began moving from the standing position that I had stayed stuck in while I had been trapped in my thoughts, "I had completely zoned out."

"Are you alright, you've been zoning out a lot for the past three days." Blake said looking at me with concern.

"Yes, I'm okay. My thoughts are just all over the place is all." I softly said with a smile of reassurance, not wanting Blake to worry about me, because knowing him he would start asking questions, questions that I wasn't ready to ask yet and he wasn't kin on answering.

I pulled open the door to find a tired looking Killian who was dressed in his work scrabs.

"Hello to you too Missy." He said.

"Hey Killian, I was starting to think that you weren't coming back." I said as I moved aside to give Killian some room to come into the cabin.

"Blakey boy, let's check on you and make sure that everything is okay." He explained as he immediately made his way to Blake who was fidgety as he sat on the bed.

"Sorry for coming so late, it was pretty busy at the hospital." Killian said with an apologetic smile as he began with examining Blake's ankle, "Sorry for keeping you away from home for longer than necessary Missy."

"Aren't you a part-time doctor now Killian?" Blake asked at the same time that I also answered.

"It's okay Killian, I really didn't mind. Besides I only have to go back to work in four days so I still have enough time." I said letting the words that could cause some tension to slip out of my lips.

Killian stopped what he was doing and looked at the both of us before he replied to Blake's question and went back to work, "Yes I am a part-time doctor now but if I'm urgently needed then I can't help but to help if I can."

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