Chapter 15

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Annabelle's POV

"That should be it." Killian said as he finished packing up everything in a bag. I took everything that I had come up here with which I realized was pretty small.

"Where's Blake?" I asked Killian who gave me a small smile.

"He doesn't do well with goodbyes." Killian explained making me feel even sadder, as I realized that he was avoiding me.

"I see. I just wanted to say a proper goodbye, especially because I don't know when we'll see each other again." I said keeping the 'if' out of the sentence because when I'm being honest with myself, 'if' was an even harder pill to swallow than 'when'.

Letting out a sigh as if he himself had been contemplating on what he should go Killian responded, "Come on, let's go say goodbye."

"You're also leaving?" I asked Killian who nodded at me in reply.

"It won't be for long, I'll probably be back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." Killian reassured seeming to know that I didn't like the idea of Blake staying out her and alone for longer than necessary. It was dangerous and not because of wild animals or anything but because he was far away from help when he was up here than if he was done. He has been lucky because Killian has always been there when he was and this time it was me even though I was completely clueless on what to do, the point is that next time he might not be so lucky.

We walked through the forest, down and unfamiliar path which wasn't surprising to me because practically everything was unfamiliar to me here, except for the cabin of course. The whole place was littered with trees, showing no sign of deforestation or severe deforestation at least.

"Watch your step." Killian instructed as we climbed over a large log that was on the forest floor, covering most of the walking path.

"This place is beautiful during the day." I said as I took in the beautiful scenery of the trees and the dark brown, reddish soil that we were walking on.

"It is. When there sun goes down things do tend on changing a bit because of the shadows that the trees cast down on the ground because of the position of the sun. That's when this place really gives you the shivers" Killian said exaggerating his point by actually giving a little shiver.

As we continued walking I could hear the sound of a waterfall coming from a nearby destination somewhere in front of us.

"There's a waterfall up here?" I asked Killian who nodded with a wide smile.

"That's where we're going," He said as he continued to lead us down the rocky path and in the direction of the waterfall, "We're almost there."

Before long we found ourselves by a beautiful waterfall. The sounds of the water from the waterfall fall splashing down into the lake at the bottom sounded so refreshing. And someone else who seemed to enjoy it was Blake who stood in the water, with the water covering just his knees as he faced up into the sky with his eyes closed.

"I will leave you two alone for a bit, incase you have anything to discuss." Killian said already turning on his heel and walking further down next to the lake, I watched as he took a seat on a large boulder near the water and took of his shoes before he dipped his feet into the steady stream, complete bliss mirroring his face as the water massaged him.

"I didn't expect you to come out here." Blake said from where he stood in the water.

"I probably wouldn't have if you hadn't decided do avoid me." I blankly but quietly said holding nothing back.

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