Chapter 6

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"Hello?" The voice hesitantly asked after the third ring went off.

"Hey Mom, it's me." I responded and heard my mom release a sigh of relief.

"Annabelle, where have you been. I tried calling you yesterday night to check up on you but your phone went directly to voice-mail and then I called you again and the same thing happened, I was so worried. Where are you and who's phone is this?" She asked with a voice that said 'and you better not lie to me'.

"I'm okay, Mom, I'm safe. I just ran into a little hidge." I said looking back to check up on Blake who had made the bed squick as he had repositioned himself a little, but remained asleep.

"A hidge?" Mom asked digging deeper for more details.

"I got stuck on the mountain." I hesitantly responded knowing that she wasn't going to be happy about this.

"Annabelle Eunice Clark, what were you thinking going climbing, especially on that mountain in this weather. How many times have I told you to go to the South but no, you always go back to the North..." She rambled on, releasing her frustration as I kept quiet and let her voice out her concerns. I understood where they were coming from and I knew that had I been in her position I would most likely have reacted in the same way.

"I'm sorry, Mom." I gently said hoping to sooth down the ranging fire that was probably burning inside her.

Letting out a sigh she replied, "I guess you can't help it. You're one of those people that live for the adrenaline. I'm just happy that you're okay. My sweet baby girl, have you eaten anything since yesterday, would you like me to contact the firestation or something, they could probably send out a rescue team." She asked.

"I ate, Mom, and no I'll be okay. I'll be back home in a few days and then I'll call you, besides I'm safely tucked away in a cabin up here in the mountains and it's quite different but refreshing in some sort of way." I said and heard my mom sigh in disapproval.

"Okay then, just be safe Sweetie and call me if you need anything." Mom said still sounding worried.

"Don't worry, Mom, I'm okay. I promise that I haven't been kidnapped if that's what you're worried about." I said and heard my mom burst out into laughter.

"That's what someone kidnapped would say." She said sounding less worried.

"They'd probably be too scared to say anything actually." I replied.

"Fair point." Mom said in reply.

"Okay Mom, we'll talk some other time. I love you." I said already missing the woman on the other end of the line.

"I love you too, baby." She said back with the love sounding as clear as day in her voice.

"And please greet Dad and tell him that I'm okay and that I love him." I told my mom.

"Will do, sweetie." She said.

"Alright, bye Mom." I quietly said, not really wanting this call to end. Talking to my mom made me realize just how much I missed her, even though I had seen her three weeks ago.

"Bye sweetie, and do come and visit when you get back. Your father and I miss you so much." Mom said making my heart break a little.

"I miss you too, mom, and you guys are definitely going to be my first stop when I get back." I said.

"Good to hear, sweetheart, feeling excited already." Mom said, "We'll talk soon."

"Definitely Mom." I said as we hang up.

"Was that your mother?" The groggy voice that suddenly rang out from behind me made me a jump a bit in shock as I whipped my head around to face the owner of the voice, with my hand being placed on my chest, where my pounding heart laid, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

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