Chapter 13

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Annabelle's POV

I woke to find myself alone on the bed and in the cabin, but next to me lay a neatly folded letter. I took it into my hands and opened it up to read the message that was hidden inside.

I hope that you slept well, I'm sorry you had to wake up alone, I just needed to stretch my legs after so many days of being in one position. Killian is accompanying me to make sure that I don't do anything nonsensical or so he calls it. Be back soon.


I couldn't help but to giggle at how cute it was. I didn't receive such letters much or at all so I could personally say that they really did make you feel special even if the letter was just to tell me that Blake and Killian would be back soon. It was really sweet of them to leave a letter.

Something else that I noticed was his handwriting which was way neater than mine surely was, I won't lie I was a little jealous.

After staying in bed for another minute or two I finally stood up and began doing the bed which was quick and then I went outside and brushed my teeth and rinsed my face to awaken my face. I then dealt with organising everything and putting everything back to place before I scooped up some water from one of the water buckets and poured it into the kettle which I hung up onto the hook in the fireplace which was already lit up meaning that the guys had either already made themselves teas before they left or something like that because it was pretty warm in here already because of the being no rain for the past couple of days.

I used the wooden security bar to barricade the door, not wanting any surprises and fixed myself a bath so that I could quickly bath before the guys got back. Feeling clean and happy I poured out the water and cleaned up the large bathing dish that I had used before I poured m some water into the kettle in preparation for making tea for the guys and I which I had a feeling was not going to be any long from.

I heard the sound of the door being pushed open just as I was pulling out cups to use for the tea.

"Good morning Missy." Killian was the first to greet as he came into the cabin with Blake following closely behind him looking more than fine except from where I sat I could see faint marks on his muscle shirt that comfortably hugged his body.

"Good morning. Did you see the letter?" Blake asked in concern making me chuckle as I replied.

"I did, thank you." I replied with a smile of gratitude.

"Alright I'm starving, let's make something to eat and then we can do whatever you two lovebirds want to do." Killian complained.

"I was actually making us cups of tea for us all," I said and looked at Blake who was looking at me with a sort of pout, "I was planning on making chamomile tea for you Blake."

"Thank you." Blake said looking more than satisfied as he took a seat by a chair instead of the bed.

"I'll make some cheese and ham sandwiches, thank you Killian for bringing everything." I said as I started working on the sandwiches.

After quickly making those and finishing on the teas I gave the food to their rightful owners before we settled near the bed because I had no choice but to sit on the bed because the were only two chairs here and they were both currently occupied.

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