Chapter 12

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Blake's POV

"How are feeling?" Killian asked as we strolled through the forest just admiring how everything was.

"Good, the wound is a bit itchy and uncomfortable but nothing I can't handle." I answered as I listened to the tweeting birds that called this place home.

"I wasn't actually asking about that, but okay that's also good." Killian replied.

"I'm okay with her leaving, it's her choice really and I can't hold her here against her own will. Unlike me she has a life off of this mountain." I explained as I took a seat on one of the large rocks surrounding the area.

"You've grown attached to her so why not go with her, I don't think that she'd mind if you stayed with her while you tried to built yourself up again." Killian said looking serious to show how serious this conversation was.

"I can't burden her like that." I explained looking at the tall trees that were littered all over the place.

"Okay then but you said the same thing when I offered you the cabin in my backyard." Killian said looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't want to trouble you either. Out here is the best place that I could possibly be. I'm in no one's way and I'm nothing causing any destruction or problems to people's lives." I explained as I took in a deep breathe to soothe my troubled being.

"Blake you can't continue living like this. Human interaction is important, plus to be honest I feel like you're way more trouble when you're out here alone. I always worry about you because when you're here you're pretty hidden away from people and no one is nearby to help you if you need anything and I honestly think that Annabelle will continue to worry about you even when she is back to the normal life that she is used to." Killian explained placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I'm not ready to go back to that life Killian, I'm not ready to face that world." I blankly said mostly out of fear of what that life would have for me now, it was completely unknown and the unknown could be frightening.

"Right, I do hope that you'll be ready for it before it's too late Blake, because when she leaves this place she will meet someone who will sweep her off her feet, way quicker than you can say hello. People are always looking for people like her, people that will stay with you through the dark days." Killian said as he walked over to the waterfall nearby and sat down by a boulder at the side of it.

I stood up and walked over to the boulder that was situated next to the one that Killian was sitting on. I could see Killian looking at me from the corner of my ear.

"I don't want to lose her to be quite frank with you but I'm willing to. She doesn't know how I feel about her and I think that it would be best to leave it like that." I said hoping that Killian would respect my wishes.

"You know I don't know if I should tell you this or not." Killian said stirring the pot of curiousity in me.

"And what is it?" I asked not hiding the fact that I was curious.

"I spoke to Annabelle and I have reasons to believe that she would more than love to have you live here her, at least for a bit until she's certain that you're okay. Plus I think that she has feelings for you." Killian said making me want to roll my eyes. Killian seemed very interested in playing matchmaking.

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